<!-- Release notes generated using configuration in .github/release.yml at main -->
What's Changed
New Features π
* Add graphviz function to BaseMMM class by drbenvincent in https://github.com/pymc-labs/pymc-marketing/pull/228
* Implement vectorized adstock transformations by lucianopaz in https://github.com/pymc-labs/pymc-marketing/pull/221
Bugfixes π
* Resolve MAP fit failing in `BetaGeoModel` by larryshamalama in https://github.com/pymc-labs/pymc-marketing/pull/226
Documentation π
* Make docs footer smaller and more responsive by ricardoV94 in https://github.com/pymc-labs/pymc-marketing/pull/199
* Update README.md, add CONTRIBUTING.md by drbenvincent in https://github.com/pymc-labs/pymc-marketing/pull/204
* Add UML diagrams for overview of the codebase by drbenvincent in https://github.com/pymc-labs/pymc-marketing/pull/210
* Add sample datasets for MMM and CLV quickstart examples by drbenvincent in https://github.com/pymc-labs/pymc-marketing/pull/223
* Add installation instructions and quickstart to docs by drbenvincent in https://github.com/pymc-labs/pymc-marketing/pull/224
* Change ROAS scale in MMM example by ricardoV94 in https://github.com/pymc-labs/pymc-marketing/pull/233
* Add more detail to the guide for contributors by drbenvincent in https://github.com/pymc-labs/pymc-marketing/pull/229
* Add new guide section to docs by drbenvincent in https://github.com/pymc-labs/pymc-marketing/pull/209
Maintenance π§
* MMM `data_df` param renamed to `data` by michaelraczycki in https://github.com/pymc-labs/pymc-marketing/pull/186
* Rename `fitting_method` to `fit_method` by ricardoV94 in https://github.com/pymc-labs/pymc-marketing/pull/198
* Use numerically stable logp for BG/NBD by larryshamalama in https://github.com/pymc-labs/pymc-marketing/pull/184
* Remove reference to previous package name by wd60622 in https://github.com/pymc-labs/pymc-marketing/pull/201
* Use MaxAbsScaler instead of MinMaxScaler for Target MMM by juanitorduz in https://github.com/pymc-labs/pymc-marketing/pull/227
New Contributors
* michaelraczycki made their first contribution in https://github.com/pymc-labs/pymc-marketing/pull/186
* wd60622 made their first contribution in https://github.com/pymc-labs/pymc-marketing/pull/201
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/pymc-labs/pymc-marketing/compare/0.0.4...0.1.0