* PyPI 0.1.1 * Added stats to pypowerwall proxy server.py (via URI /stats and /stats/clear) * Added Information Functions: `site_name()`, `version()`, `din()`, `uptime()`, and `status()`.
* PyPI 0.1.0 * Added *protobuf* handling to support decoding the Powerwall Device Vitals data (requires protobuf package) * Added function `vitals()` to pull Powerwall Device Vitals * Added function `strings()` to pull data on solar panel strings (Voltage, Current, Power and State)
* PyPI 0.0.3 * Added Proxy Server - Useful for metrics gathering tools like telegraf (see [proxy](proxy/)]). * Added Powerwall Simulator - Mimics Powerwall Gateway responses for testing (see [pwsimulator](pwsimulator/)]) * Added raw binary poll capability to be able to pull *protobuf* formatted payloads like '/api/devices/vitals'.
python payload = pw.poll('/api/devices/vitals')
Scan local network for Tesla Powerwall Gateways
Your network appears to be:
Enter Network or press enter to use
Running Scan... Host: ... OPEN - Not a Powerwall Host: ... OPEN - Found Powerwall 1234567-00-E--TG123456789ABC Done