* Add support for `/tedapi` API access on Gateway (requires connectivity to GW and Gateway Password) with access to "config" and "status" data.
* Adds drop-in replacement for depreciated `/vitals` API and payload using the new TEDAPI class. This allows easy access to Powerwall device vitals.
* Proxy update to t58 to support TEDAPI with environmental variable `PW_GW_PWD` for Gateway Password. Also added FleetAPI, Cloud and TEDAPI specific GET calls, `/fleetapi`, `/cloud`, and `/tedapi` respectively.
How to Activate the TEDAPI Mode
import pypowerwall
gw_pwd = "GW_PASSWORD" Gateway Passowrd usually on QR code on Gateway
host = "" Direct Connect to GW
pw = pypowerwall.Powerwall(host,password,email,timezone,gw_pwd=gw_pwd)
New TEDAPI Class
import pypowerwall.tedapi
tedapi = pypowerwall.tedapi.TEDAPI("GW_PASSWORD")
config = tedapi.get_config()
status = tedapi.get_status()
meterAggregates = status.get('control', {}).get('meterAggregates', [])
for meter in meterAggregates:
location = meter.get('location', 'Unknown').title()
realPowerW = int(meter.get('realPowerW', 0))
print(f" - {location}: {realPowerW}W")