* Minor Bug Fixes - TEDAPI get_reserve() fix to address unscaled results. * pyLint Cleanup of Code
* Fix for TEDAPI "full" (e.g. Powerwall 3) mode, including `grid_status` bug resulting in false reports of grid status, `level()` bug where data gap resulted in 0% state of charge and `alerts()` where data gap from tedapi resulted in a `null` alert. * Add TEDAPI API call locking to limit load caused by concurrent polling. * Proxy - Add battery full_pack and remaining energy data to `/pod` API call for all cases.
* Add local support for Powerwall 3 using TEDAPI. * TEDAPI will activate in `hybrid` (using TEDAPI for vitals and existing local APIs for other metrics) or `full` (all data from TEDAPI) mode to provide better Powerwall 3 support. * The `full` mode will automatically activate when the customer `password` is blank and `gw_pwd` is set. * Note: The `full` mode will provide less metrics than `hybrid` mode since Powerwall 2/+ systems have additional APIs that are used in `hybrid` mode to fetch additional data
* Update `setup.py` to include dependencies on `protobuf>=3.20.0`. * Add TEDAPI `connect()` logic to better validate Gateway endpoint access. * Add documentation for TEDAPI setup. * Update CLI to support TEDAPI calls. * Proxy t60 - Fix edge case where `/csv` API will error due to NoneType inputs. * Add TEDAPI argument to set custom GW IP address.
bash Connect to TEDAPI and pull data python3 -m pypowerwall tedapi
Direct call to TEDAPI class test function (optional password) python3 -m pypowerwall.tedapi GWPASSWORD python3 -m pypowerwall.tedapi --debug python3 -m pypowerwall.tedapi --gw_ip --debug
* Fix FleetAPI setup script as raised in https://github.com/jasonacox/pypowerwall/issues/98. * Update FleetAPI documentation and CLI usage.