- `scratchpads`: - support vertical monitors (33) - enable `class_match` automatically if `process_tracking=false` - two fixes when using the `exclude` option
- `scratchpads`: supports progressive web apps by making [`process_tracking`](https://github.com/hyprland-community/pyprland/wiki/Plugins#process_tracking-optional---discouraged) as an option. - `scratchpads`: better feedback on usage errors
**Breaking change**
- `scratchpads`: animate by default using "fromTop" animation type - set `animation=false` to revert to the former behavior if you didn't configure any animation
- update the nix flake - scratchpads: always consider the focused workspace to test visibility (improved UX - 32)
- `scratchpads`: `size` and `position` can use absolute pixels (suffix: "px"). Can be mixed with percents (eg: "800px 30%") - `scratchpads`: new option `max_size`, using the same argument format as `size`. Most probably useful to limit width or height when using very large or tall monitors along with more standard ones.
- add a `--config <path>` argument: allows overriding the configuration file path - scratchpads: improve multi-monitor support
- Prevents running `pypr` more than once - You may need to delete the control socket manually after this update