Quickly re-release of 1.10.0 with a format change in the `shortcuts_menu` new features
- new plugin [fetch_client_menu](https://github.com/hyprland-community/pyprland/wiki/fetch_client_menu) using a menu to bring any window to your active workspace - extended [shortcuts_menu](https://github.com/hyprland-community/pyprland/wiki/shortcuts_menu) to support dynamic menus - fixes - optimizations
- New `tox -e doc` target to show docs in the webbrowser - Improved the documentation - added some shared states - introduced a convenient mixin to use menus
shortcuts_menu` may work on unsupported `engine` (menu application)
- New plugin `shortcuts_menu` allows making complex menus with rofi, dmenu & similar apps - Review some aspects of the `reload` command - simpler to handle - should be more stable
- introducing `on_reload` to easily manage your changes after the config has been (re)loaded
monitors`: Fix a fatal issue on some monitor setups