
Latest version: v1.0.4

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- Remove `pytest-tempdir` package dependency (`154 <>`_)
- Stop using deprecated `pytest.mark.trylast` (`155 <>`_)
- Simplify and reduce the amount of patching required to unit test loader modules (`156 <>`_)

Trivial/Internal Changes

- Some internal processes improvements:

* Publish packages to PyPi with trusted publishers
* Enable dependabot to update the GH Actions versions on a weekly basis (`151 <>`_)
- Start using actionlint and shellcheck to validate GH Actions workflows (`153 <>`_)
- Improve code coverage by either removing code not getting used anymore or marking sections of the code which are not expected to be covered (`157 <>`_)




- Several improvements to reduce failure points:

* Log the exception instead of raising it.
* Always populate the `*_dirs` config settings, regardless of how salt-factories is being used
* Improved the connect/disconnect behavior of the event listener client
* The minimum supported Salt version is now 3005.0
* The minimum supported Pytest version is now 7.0.0 (`149 <>`_)

Bug Fixes

- Do not blindly overwrite the `retuner_address` configuration key (`146 <>`_)

Trivial/Internal Changes

- Start checking the code base with ruff (`149 <>`_)



Bug Fixes

- Fixed Salt's deferred imports to allow onedir builds while not breaking non-onedir builds:

* Additionally, stopped relying on `salt.utils.files` and `salt.utils.yaml`
* Stopped using `zmq` to forward events(this was where the breakage was showing) for a plain TCP implementation.
* The `event_listener` fixture is now started/stopped like a regular pytest fixture
* The `event_listener` server now restarts in case something goes wrong to the point where it crashes. (`146 <>`_)



Breaking Changes

- Drop support for Python 3.5 and 3.6 (`123 <>`_)


- Defer all `salt` imports so that we can use pytest-salt-factories to test onedir builds (`144 <>`_)
- A few improvements to functional testing support:

* Allow `StateReturn` to be accessed by key instead of just attribute
* Add warning for when more than a state function is used under the same state key
* Return an instance of `MatchString` for `StateResult.comment` (`145 <>`_)

Trivial/Internal Changes

- Update the github actions versions to avoid deprecation errors (`145 <>`_)




- Several improvements to the state module wrappers:

* Allow getting the state chunk by `__id__` on MultiStateResult
* Wrap a few more functions from `salt.modules.state` (`140 <>`_)

Trivial/Internal Changes

- Pipeline and requirements fixes:

* Test against 3005.* and not 3005rc2 since it's now released.
* Install `importlib-metadata<5.0.0` since only Salt>=3006 will be able to handle it (`140 <>`_)



Bug Fixes

- The `spm` CLI now properly lays down the configuration files required (`137 <>`_)

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