
Latest version: v1.0.4

Safety actively analyzes 706267 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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Breaking Changes

- Switch to the extracted pytest plugins

* Switch to pytest-system-statistics
* Switch to pytest-shell-utilities (`90 <>`_)



Bug Fixes

- Use salt's entry-points instead of relying on loader ``*_dirs`` configs (`98 <>`_)




- Set lower required python version to 3.5.2 (`97 <>`_)



Breaking Changes

- `Name things once <>`_. (`#50 <>`_)
- ``get_unused_localhost_port`` no longer cached returned port by default (`51 <>`_)
- Rename the ``SaltMaster.get_salt_cli`` to ``SaltMaster.salt_cli``, forgotten on `PR 50 <>`_ (`#70 <>`_)


- Temporary state tree management

* Add ``temp_file`` and ``temp_directory`` support as pytest helpers
* Add ``SaltStateTree`` and ``SaltPillarTree`` for easier temp files support (`38 <>`_)
- Added skip markers for AArch64 platform, ``skip_on_aarch64`` and ``skip_unless_on_aarch64`` (`40 <>`_)
- Added a ``VirtualEnv`` helper class to create and interact with a virtual environment (`43 <>`_)
- Add ``skip_on_spawning_platform`` and ``skip_unless_on_spawning_platform`` markers (`81 <>`_)


- Switch project to an ``src/`` based layout (`41 <>`_)
- Start using `towncrier <>`_ to maintain the changelog (`#42 <>`_)
- Forwarding logs, file and pillar roots fixes

* Salt allows minions and proxy minions to also have file and pillar roots configured
* All factories will now send logs of level ``debug`` or higher to the log server (`49 <>`_)
- Log the test outcome (`52 <>`_)
- Take into account that ``SystemExit.code`` might not be an integer on the generated CLI scripts (`62 <>`_)
- Catch unhandled exceptions and write their traceback to ``sys.stderr`` in the generated CLI scripts (`63 <>`_)
- Several fixes/improvements to the ``ZMQHandler`` log forwarding handler (`64 <>`_)
- ZMQ needs to reconnect on forked processes or else Salt's own multiprocessing log forwarding log records won't be logged by the ``ZMQHandler`` (`69 <>`_)
- Some more additional changes to the ZMQHandler to make sure it's resources are cleaned when terminating (`74 <>`_)
- The ``sshd`` server no longer generates ``dsa`` keys if the system has FIPS enabled (`80 <>`_)
- Add ``to_salt_config`` method to ``SaltEnv`` and ``SaltEnvs``. This will simplify augmenting the salt configuration dictionary. (`82 <>`_)
- Rename ``SaltEnv.to_salt_config()`` to ``SaltEnv.as_dict()`` (`83 <>`_)
- Switch to `pytest-skip-markers <>`_. (`#84 <>`_)

Bug Fixes

- Adjust to the upcoming salt loader changes (`77 <>`_)

Trivial/Internal Changes

- CI pileline adjustements

* Bump salt testing requirement to 3002.6
* Drop testing of FreeBSD since it's too unreliable on Github Actions
* Full clone when testing so that codecov does not complain (`39 <>`_)
- Upgrade to black 21.4b2 (`56 <>`_)
- Drop Pytest requirement to 6.0.0 (`57 <>`_)
- Increase and match CI system tests `timeout-minutes` to Linux tests `timeout-minutes` (`64 <>`_)
- Switch to the `new codecov uploader <>`_ (`#72 <>`_)
- Fix codecov flags, report name, and coverage (`73 <>`_)
- Update to latest versions on some pre-commit hooks

* ``pyupgrade``: 2.23.3
* ``reorder_python_imports``: 2.6.0
* ``black``: 21.b7
* ``blacken-docs``: 1.10.0 (`79 <>`_)
- Remove ``transport`` keyword argument from the call to ``salt.utils.event.get_event`` (`87 <>`_)
- Add ``build`` and ``release`` nox targets (`89 <>`_)

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