
Latest version: v0.6.9

Safety actively analyzes 665909 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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Bugs Squashed

- `svg.Path` not passing `d` param ([438](


New Features

- Include both `m` (me) and `p` (prev) in `On` and `Prev` handlers, and run after DOM ready ([429](

Bugs Squashed

- `proc_htmx` not exported correctly ([434](


Breaking changes

- `date` has been renamed to `parsed_date`

New Features

- Handle non-list/tuple `hdrs` and `ftrs` in `FastHTML()` ([426](
- Handle automatic `` form field conversion ([415](

Bugs Squashed

- Make sure only the selected radio button in a radio group is checked during `form_fill` ([424](, thanks to [rbavery](
- All radio buttons in a radio group are checked during `fill_form` ([423](
- receiving a list[str] as a parameter doesn't work with get request ([422](
- Multipart error when submitting with empty form-data ([405](


New Features

- Add `FtResponse` ([425](
- Add `sid_scr` ([425](
- Scope `On` selector to `p` ([414](
- Store `p=me()` before `On` handler ([413](
- Convert `dict` children in `ft_htmx` and `ft_hx` to kwargs ([412](
- Add reload on CSS and JS file changes ([401](

Bugs Squashed

- `static_path` ignored in `fast_app` ([410](


New Features

- Greatly improved SVG support ([409](
- Add SVG HTMX helpers: `svg_sel`, `SvgOob`, and `SvgInb` ([408](
- Add `Client` and `Nbsp` ([403](
- Add `Redirect()` and handle magic `__response__` method ([400](
- Add `HtmxResponseHeaders` ([399](
- Add `session` to `OAuth.chk_auth` ([394](
- Add `static_routes` and `static_route_exts` methods to `FastHTML` ([387](

Bugs Squashed

- toasts do not show if response empty or tuple ([386](
- not updated for router refactor ([385](


New Features

- Add `sse_message`, `EventStream`, and `signal_shutdown` ([384](

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