
Latest version: v0.6.9

Safety actively analyzes 665909 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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New Features

- generic list annotated params double-wrapped ([253](
- Add `Prev()` ([253](
- `ft_cfg` config defaults ([251](
- Make `fill_form` set selected option ([185](, thanks to [ostwilkens](

Bugs Squashed

- Use re.fullmatch for Beforeware ([221](, thanks to [justbur](


Breaking changes

- Do not make session vars available as direct params ([237](

New Features

- Add surreal.js helpers `Me`, `Any`, `On` ([238](
- Add support for application/json in POST requests ([234](, thanks to [khoaHyh](
- Wrap Starlette's session in an AttrDict ([213](, thanks to [jbellis](
- Handle mismatches between existing db and schema ([202](, thanks to [ncoop57](
- Raise warning if type is not passed ([195](

Bugs Squashed

- railway deploy doesn't check for project name ([230](, thanks to [gautam-e](


Bugs Squashed

- Signature may not resolve types from str ([198](


New Features

- Add `attrs1st` formatting to html2ft ([193](, thanks to [AndrewRPerkins](


New Features

- Check for railway app version ([192](
- Update `flat_xt` to handle single FT item ([190](
- Support FT in HTTPException handling ([175](
- Add `` ([163](
- Add support for LaTeX formula rendering when rendering markdown ([158](, thanks to [yym68686](
- Add to request: `req.hdrs,req.ftrs,req.htmlkw,req.bodykw` ([152](
- Add htmlkw to `fast_app` ([145](, thanks to [ranzuh](
- Add `Form` for multipart form data; initial poetry compatibility for `serve` ([137](
- changes toast names to avoid conflict with bootstrap ([133](, thanks to [vacmar01](
- Automatically move ('title','meta','link','style','base') into head ([122](
- Allow for `Any` or `FT` as return type of routes ([112](


Bugs Squashed

- railway deploy did not connect mount point on first use ([89](

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