
Latest version: v0.6.9

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Breaking changes

- `__init.py__` now only contains `fasthtml.core`

New Features

- Fastcore 1.7 compatibility ([307](
- Add `fasthtml.basics` for importing the main fasthtml modules


New Features

- Add `reload_includes` and `reload_excludes` options to serve ([291](, thanks to [pydanny](

Bugs Squashed

- katex.js missing ([305](


Bugs Squashed

- postrelease fix markdown js ([290](


New Features

- Support `dict` value in `hx_vals` ([288](
- Add `sess_cls` param to `FastHTML` ([284](
- Make `index` a special handler name for path "/" get request ([274](
- Use `run_in_threadpool` for non-async handlers ([270](
- Enhance LaTeX rendering in Markdown with support for environments ([269](, thanks to [rian-dolphin](

Bugs Squashed

- Duplicate parameters in components.pyi ([255](


New Features

- Experimental new named-based HTMX routing system ([267](
- `uri` function to construct `url_for` path params
- patch `HTTPConnection.url_path_for`
- replace HTTP verb FT attr names with `hx-` prefixed versions, and look up values in route names (with `link` used for `href` attrs)
- Default route paths to `/{func.__name__}`
- Default route method to `post` if func name isn't an http verb
- Support skipping `()` in route decorators


New Features

- Default route name to function name if method provided ([263](
- `surreal` and `htmx` bool params for `FastHTML` and `fast_app` ([258](

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