- Template loaders can now include additional template meta data using the `matter` argument of `liquid.loaders.TemplateSource`. See the example `FrontMatterFileSystemLoader` in the README. See 32.
- Implemented `ChoiceLoader`, a loader that tries to load a template from a list of loaders.
- Added a `FileExtensionLoader`, a template loader that inherits from `FileSystemLoader` and automatically appends a file extension if one is missing.
- The built-in `date` filter now accepts the special input value of "today" as well as "now".
- The built-in `truncate` filter now has a default length of 50.
- The built-in `truncatewords` filter now has a default number of words of 15.
- Fixed a bug with the `slice` filter where it would return an empty string when presented with a negative start index and length that would have exceeded the length of the sequence. See 35.
- Drops can now define safe HTML string representations using a `__html__` method.
- Removed `liquid.mode.error()` in favour of `liquid.Environment.error()`