
Latest version: v1.13.0

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**Breaking changes**

- Most built-in expression parsing functions/methods now expect the current `Environment` instance to be passed as the first argument.


- Fixed `{% for %}` tag expressions with a comma between the iterable and `limit`, `offset` or `reversed`. Previously we were assuming a comma immediately following the iterable would mean we are iterating an array literal. We're also explicitly disallowing `limit`, `offset` and `reversed` arguments after an array literal.


- Added optional filter argument validation at template parse time. ([docs](
- Added lambda expressions as filter arguments. Both custom and built-in filters can accept arguments of the form `<identifier> => <boolean expression>` or `(<identifier>, <identifier>) => <boolean expression>`.
- Updated filters `map`, `where`, `sort`, `sort_natural`, `uniq`, `compact` and `sum` to accept lambda expression or string arguments.
- Added filters `reject`, `has`, `find` and `find_index`.


- Added documentation for the `json` filter's optional `indent` argument.


- Fixed line numbers in error messages involving tag expressions containing newlines.
- Improved `LiquidSyntaxError` messages.
- Error messages now include any offending operators rather than the name of the token that represents the operator.
- The template name and line number of the error is included. Previously this only happened for render-time errors.
- More efficient parsing of `liquid` tag expressions. The `TemplateParser` class now includes a `parseLiquid()` method that is similar to `parseBlock()`, but does not needlessly check an empty set for the name of an end tag.
- Added `toLiquidSync` to the drop protocol.



- Added support for array literal syntax in `for` loop expressions. Previously array literals were only allowed in output statements and the `assign` tag. For example, `{% for x in some.thing, 42, true %}`.
- Add tokens for symbols `!` and `?`. These tokens are not used by any default Liquid expression, but can be used by custom tags.


- New `FetchLoader`. A template loader for web browsers that uses the Fetch API to get templates.
- New `XMLHttpRequestLoader`. A template loader for web browsers that uses `XMLHttpRequest` to get templates.
- Move `src/builtin/loaders/choice.ts` to `src/builtin/loaders/choice_loader.ts`
- Move `src/builtin/loaders/file_system.ts` to `src/builtin/loaders/file_system_loader.ts`
- Change browser tests to use Mocha's "tdd" interface.

Python Liquid's change log has moved to ` <>`_.

Flask Liquid Change Log


Initial release. See [docs]( and [migration guide](

Liquid Change Log



- New currency formatting filter ([docs](, [source](
- New convenience "money" filters. `money`, `money_with_currency`, `money_without_currency` and `money_without_trailing_zeros` behave similarly to Shopify's equivalents ([docs](, [source](
- New decimal formatting filter ([docs](, [source](


- Currency string parsing. Allow an input locale to be set independently from the output locale.

LiquidScript Change Log

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