**Breaking changes**
- Most built-in expression parsing functions/methods now expect the current `Environment` instance to be passed as the first argument.
- Fixed `{% for %}` tag expressions with a comma between the iterable and `limit`, `offset` or `reversed`. Previously we were assuming a comma immediately following the iterable would mean we are iterating an array literal. We're also explicitly disallowing `limit`, `offset` and `reversed` arguments after an array literal.
- Added optional filter argument validation at template parse time. ([docs](https://jg-rp.github.io/python-liquid2/custom_filters/#filter-argument-validation))
- Added lambda expressions as filter arguments. Both custom and built-in filters can accept arguments of the form `<identifier> => <boolean expression>` or `(<identifier>, <identifier>) => <boolean expression>`.
- Updated filters `map`, `where`, `sort`, `sort_natural`, `uniq`, `compact` and `sum` to accept lambda expression or string arguments.
- Added filters `reject`, `has`, `find` and `find_index`.
- Added documentation for the `json` filter's optional `indent` argument.