- Fixed comparison of simple arrays with `{% if %}`, `{% unless %}` and `{% case %}` tags. Previously, two simple arrays with the same elements would not be considered equal.
- Fixed the standard `map` filters handling of nested input arrays. We now automatically flatten nested input arrays and coerce non-iterable inputs to a single element array, just like Ruby Liquid.
- Fixed the `{% liquid %}` tag's handling of some corner cases involving nested `liquid` tags.
- Added the standard `sum` filter, which returns the sum of any numeric values in its input array ([docs](https://jg-rp.github.io/liquidscript/language/filters#sum), [source](https://github.com/jg-rp/liquidscript/blob/622a8c1e79ac34b354037ab88be590c13d53d928/src/builtin/filters/array.ts#L290)).
- Added optional `{% extends %}` and `{% block %}` tags that add template inheritance features to Liquid templates ([docs](https://jg-rp.github.io/liquidscript/extra/tags#extends--block), [source](https://github.com/jg-rp/liquidscript/blob/main/src/extra/tags/extends.ts)).
- Added `filter` and `tag` properties to the result of `Template.analyze()`, containing the locations of filters and tags found during static analysis ([docs](https://jg-rp.github.io/liquidscript/guides/static-analysis#filters)).