
Latest version: v2.1.8

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Fixes some issues that arose with the release of `numpy` 2.0. Refactors astronomy and prediction functions to use `timescale` for temporal and EOP operations. Includes updates for the recently released [FES2022]( tide model outputs.

**Itemized Changes:**
* `refactor`: use `timescale` for EOP and temporal operations (300)
* `docs`: fix `netCDF4` urls (300)
* `refactor`: remove older deprecated functions (300)
* `feat`: add debug mode printing input arguments and additional information (300)
* `feat`: wrapper to `importlib` for optional dependencies (300)
* `feat`: add io for (geo)parquet datasets with geometry columns (303)
* `feat`: make classes subscriptable and allow item assignment (303)
* `fix`: default module import as `class` (303)
* `feat`: add output `to_file` function (303)
* `fix`: deprecation update to replace `np.longcomplex` (303)
* `fix`: `numpy` 2.0 fix for time calculation (303)
* `test`: add parquet io tests (303)
* `fix`: prevent integer overflows with `numpy` 2.0 (304)
* `docs`: add references to new PERTH5 software from Richard Ray (305)
* `feat`: add wrapper function for normalizing angles (305)
* `feat`: add functions to convert to and from Degree-Minutes-Seconds (DMS) (305)
* `fix`: assert that data type is a known value (305)
* `feat`: added new `FES2022` and `FES2022_load` to list of models (307)
* `feat`: only download FES files if non-existent or updated (308)
* `refactor`: add `_jd_j2000` variable instead of hard coded (308)

**Full Changelog**:


Fixes an issue with calculating currents with TPXO9-atlas-v5 models (thanks maucollu!). Refactors the high-level compute functions into single module (``). Moves the ellipsoidal parameters to `datum` function within the `` module. Adds further improvements to the overall documentation and lots of small fixes.

**Itemized Changes:**
* `refactor`: made the inferrence of minor constituents an option (272)
* `refactor`: 1-liners in `` (272)
* `refactor`: lunisolar ephemerides functions (272)
* `feat`: added more constituent parameters for OTIS/ATLAS predictions (272)
* `fix`: add option to return None and not raise error for Doodson numbers (272)
* `docs`: add more definitions to the glossary (272)
* `refactor`: moved constituent parameters function from `predict` to `arguments` (272)
* `feat`: add functions for tide generating forces and potentials (272)
* `fix`: variable typing for `c` in `_constituent_parameters` (272)
* `test`: omit deprecated functions in coverage report (272)
* `docs`: add `toctree` for `io` subdirectory (272)
* `test`: add quick test for currents wrapper function (272)
* `fix`: construct OTIS currents masks differently if not global (273)
* `refactor`: renamed OTIS currents masks and bathymetry interpolation functions (273)
* `refactor`: renamed extend array and matrix functions (273)
* `docs`: add notebook showing tidal harmonic solver (275)
* `fix`: implicit import of ellipsoid constants class (275)
* `feat`: added inverse function to get currents from tide ellipse parameters (276)
* `refactor`: use complex algebra to calculate tidal ellipse parameters (276)
* `docs`: use `importlib` to prevent deprecation errors (276)
* `fix`: spelling mistake for solve notebook
* `refactor`: changed class name for ellipsoid parameters to datum (287)
* `refactor`: move solve constants to subdirectory (287)
* `refactor`: move the immutable parameters in timescale class (287)
* `feat`: add capability to define a custom datum (287)
* `refactor`: changed variable for setting global grid flag to `is_global` (287)
* `fix`: doc strings for nodal arguments `pu` and `pf` (287)
* `refactor`: use numpy `pad` to interpolate data to u and v nodes (287)
* `feat`: can calculate polar stereographic distortion for distances (294)
* `docs`: update links to CATS2008-v2023 (294)
* `fix`: `dtype` suggestions (294)
* `fix`: append v currents in TPXO9 only if netcdf to address 295 (294)

**Full Changelog**:


Fixes an issue with calculating currents with TPXO9-atlas models in netCDF4 format (thanks mirkorupani!). Changes how nodal arguments for constituents are calculated. Program now uses linear algebra with a table of Doodson coefficients (Cartwright numbers), which should hopefully be more transparent and extendable. This also allows the easy calculation of Doodson or Cartwright numbers for constituents (thanks q1165600785!).

**Itemized Changes:**
* `fix`: revert TPXO9-atlas currents changes to separate dicts for 258 (259)
* `test`: fix `u` and `v` for TPXO9-atlas netCDF (259)
* `fix`: escape sequences in docstrings to raw (259)
* `fix`: updated ssl context to fix deprecation error (259)
* `docs`: update docstrings for ssl context (259)
* `refactor`: use doodson arguments tables to calculate values (270)
* `refactor`: rename `phase_angles` to `doodson_arguments` (270)
* `refactor`: coordinate reference system class `` (270)
* `refactor`: pass through `VBox` and `HBox` in `` (270)
* `docs`: add link to TMD3 in `Resources.rst` (270)
* `feat`: made keyword argument for selecting M1 coefficients (270)
* `feat`: add initial solver for harmonic constants (270)
* `chore`: include whitespace after commas (270)
* `feat`: add function to create arguments coefficients table (270)
* `test`: add check that arguments match prior version (270)
* `docs`: started creating a glossary (270)
* `docs`: add citation to Simon et al. (1994) (270)
* `feat`: create arguments coefficients table for minor constituents (270)
* `feat`: add function to calculate Doodson numbers for 263 (270)
* `refactor`: use mean lunar time as independent variable (270)
* `refactor`: moved minor arguments calculation into new function (270)
* `refactor`: implicit import of arguments (270)
* `test`: add check for constants solve (270)
* `feat`: add functions to convert to and from Doodson numbers (270)
* `feat`: add option to output Cartwright numbers (270)
* `feat`: add properties for Doodson and Cartwright numbers to `constituents` class (270)
* `feat`: try to get the constituents of FES files (270)

**Full Changelog**:


Number of fixes to the code base. Fixes the units for TPXO9-atlas currents (thanks cywhale!). Replaces the deprecated `pkg_resources` (thanks mrsiegfried!).

**Itemized Changes:**
* `fix`: scaling factors for TPXO9-atlas currents for 241 (
* `refactor`: renamed tidal ellipse function (
* `refactor`: renamed constituent parameters function (
* `refactor`: renamed check tide model points function (
* `feat`: can read from netCDF4 or HDF5 variable groups (
* `fix`: spelling mistakes (
* `feat`: add generic wrapper function for reading ATLAS constituents (
* `feat`: can write datetime as time column for csv files (
* `fix`: replace deprecated `pkg_resources` with `importlib` (

**Full Changelog**:


Adds a capability to compute tide corrections for parquet files. Fixes a bug for using `TPXO8-atlas` (compact) with spline or regular grid interpolators (thanks robbibt!). Upgrades to the CI and doc builds for using mamba and prevent deprecations.

**Itemized Changes:**
* `feat`: add option to run with parquet tabular files 236
* `feat`: add function to invert field mapping keys and values 235
* `fix`: prevent overwriting ATLAS compact x and y coordinates to address 238 240
* `docs`: use micromamba for builds 235
* `ci`: bump versions of imports to prevent deprecation errors 235

**Full Changelog**:


Adds a new Antarctic model coinciding with the release of the Matlab [`Tide-Model-Driver`]( Decreases the build size and includes performance enhancements for RTD and CI builds.

**Itemized Changes:**
* `feat`: added model parameters for *CATS2008-v2023* 229
* `refactor`: changed `ESR` netCDF4 format to `TMD3` format 229
* `refactor`: place more imports behind try/except statements to reduce RTD build size 230
* `fix`: remove possible `crs` variables from output netCDF4 fields list 229
* `ci`: bump actions to python 3.11 229
* `ci`: use `mamba` for CI builds 230
* `docs`: [switch to RTD `build.os` configuration]( #230

**Full Changelog**:

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