nearest-neighbor extrapolation using KD-Trees merged convert_julian and convert_calendar_decimal to time module update date parser for standalone date case with no units add streaming from bytes for ascii, netCDF4, HDF5, geotiff add ftp connection check use standalone ATL11 reader use sphinx_rtd_theme for documentation convert some markdown documentation to reStructuredText updated EOP files to latest versions
- added ICESat GLA12 programs computing tides, LPT, OPT, and LPET - added ICESat-2 ATL11 programs for tides and LPET - added convert ellipsoids for TP to WGS84 to spatial module - added nearest-neighbor extrapolation for near-coastal locations - updated get_hash to accept bytesio objects - updated documentation and jupyter notebooks - deprecation updates to fix warnings
use internal mean pole and finals EOP files
automatic update of leap second, delta time and EOP files
geotiff read and write programs in spatial module
calculate tide scripts can read and write to geotiff
ATL03 and ATL06 long period equilibrium tide programs
added model constituents from TPXO9-atlas-v3
add ATLAS compact and netCDF testing (v2) modules
use argparse to set parameters
use numpy masked arrays with ATLAS compact grids
update jupyter notebooks for new models
switching primary branch to main
generalize build opener function for different Earthdata instances
update reduce OTIS files for python3 and projections
adjust dimensions of input coordinates to be iterable
add spatial program for reading/writing ascii, netCDF and HDF5 generalize LPET, LPT, OPT and tide scripts to use csv, netCDF4 or HDF5 add compute tidal current program that can use csv, netCDF4 or HDF5 use netrc within utilities for backup authentication add utilities for parsing date strings in form "time-units since yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss"