
Latest version: v0.20.0

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* Bugfix the pydantic dataclass check.
* Bugfix list model class handling and type identification.
* Bugfix form multiselect request validation.
* Bugfix the deprecate decorator was meant to be called without
arguments (this is backwards incompatible).
* Bugfix using msgspec without attrs
* Enhance pydantic model schema generation to utilise the schema mode
as serialization for response models.
* Support all Pydantic dump options. This replaces
``QUART_SCHEMA_BY_ALIAS=True`` config value with the QuartSchema
constructor argument ``pydantic_dump_options={"by_alias: True}`` or



* Bugfix the Scalar template.
* Improve the error message if neither msgpec nor pydantic installed.
* Use msgpec JSON conversion if Pydantic isn't installed.



* Support msgspec and attrs alongside Pydantic. This results in
pydantic being an optional extra (install quart-schema[pydantic] to
continue previous usage).
* Add ScalaR documentation UI support.
* Switch the openapi structure classes to stdlib dataclasses.
* Improve the make_response performance for pydantic dataclasses.
* Simplify the pydantic usage via the TypeAdapter thereby allowing for
list and dict top level models.



* Render Werkzeug's any() route parameters as enum in OpenAPI.
* Support Quart 0.19 onwards.
* Support Python 3.12 drop Python 3.7.
* Bugfix WebSocket validation check for convert casing config param.
* Bugfix handle status/headers when returning a Response.
* Fix pydantic deprecation warnings.



* Update the Swagger UI js and css versions.



* Support Pydantic 2 (dropping support for Pydantic 1).
* Remove constraints on Querystring and Form models (can have
non-optional and nested structure respectively).
* Add support for querystring list parameters.
* Add support for operationID.
* Add provision support for File types.
* Bugfix check if the headers value not body type matches.
* Bugfix cope with returned responses.

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