
Latest version: v0.20.0

Safety actively analyzes 665902 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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* Support Quart 0.15.0 as the minimum version.
* Add spec for OpenAPI servers within openapi route.
* Make the Pydantic validation error available.
* Update to swagger-ui 3.47.1.



* Support automatically converting between camelCased JSON and
snake_cased model/dataclass variable names. This introduces the
pyhumps dependency.



* Improve testing, and support easy hypothesis testing. This allows
Pydantic models and dataclasses to be sent from the test client.
* Bugfix correct error message.
* Bugfix response validation logic.
* Store the model type rather than derived schema (no noticeable
impact on the public API).



* Allow routes to be tagged.



* Ensure models/dataclasses are converted to a dict, thereby
preventing confusing errors when model/dataclass instances are
returned without validation.
* Allow validation of form encoded data, in the same way JSON encoded
data is currently validated.



* Add the ability to hide routes from the openapi specification. This
changes routes from default hidden to default visible.

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