
Latest version: v0.20.0

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* Switch to app.json.dumps rather than json.dumps in schema cmd, so as
to use any specific JSON encoding.
* Restore usage of the pydantic encoder by default, to match the
pydantic decoding.
* Add documentation only decorators matching the validation versions.



* Consistently apply casing conversion. This ensures that Quart-Schema
does not affect the general JSONProvider and hence other usages of
JSON conversions. This could introduce bugs if you were expecting
this, if so please write a JSONProvider directly.
* Ensure the config convert casing setting is the authoritive source
(not the extension attribute).
* Officially support Python 3.11.
* Bugfix casing of required fields.



* Bugfix JSONProvider encoding.



* Bugfix ensure paths are correctly merged in the generated OpenAPI



* Bugfix allow_population_by_field_name.



* Add an info argument and model for OpenAPI info. This is backwards
incompatible as the title and version arguments are removed.
* Switch from hide_route to hide. This is backwards incompatible as
the decorator name has changed.
* Clarify how the OpenAPI schema is camelized when converting case
(fix issues with incorrect casing in the openapi JSON).
* Convert the remaining input objects to Pydantic models, with
dictionaries still accepted.
* Add deprecation decorator to mark routes as deprecated.
* Add the ability to specify external docs.
* Add QUART_SCHEMA_BY_ALIAS to the config to specify by_alias usage
for response models.
* Bugfix JSONProvider loads convert casing usage.
* Bugfix compatibility with Quart 0.18.1, which is now the minimum

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