
Latest version: v3.6.21

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Not secure
- [7520](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/7520): Improve the warning in case the [RulePolicy](policies.mdx#rule-policy) or the deprecated
[MappingPolicy](policies.mdxmapping-policy) are missing
from the model's `policies` configuration. Changed the info log to a warning as one
of this policies should be added to the model configuration.

- [7692](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/7692): Explicitly specify the `crypto` extra dependency of `pyjwt` to ensure that the
`cryptography` dependency is installed. `cryptography` is strictly required to be able
to be able to verify JWT tokens.


Not secure
- [7622](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/7622): Correctly retrieve intent ranking from `UserUttered` even during default affirmation
action implementation.
- [7684](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/7684): Fixed a problem when using the `POST /model/test/intents` endpoint together with a
[model server](model-storage.mdxload-model-from-server). The error looked as follows:

ERROR rasa.core.agent:agent.py:327 Could not load model due to Detected inconsistent loop usage. Trying to schedule a task on a new event loop, but scheduler was created with a different event loop. Make sure there is only one event loop in use and that the scheduler is running on that one.

This also fixes a problem where testing a model from a model server would change the
production model.


Not secure
- [7592](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/7592): Fixed incompatibility between Rasa Open Source 2.2.x and Rasa X < 0.35.


Not secure
- [7557](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/7557): Fixed a problem where a [form](forms.mdx) wouldn't reject when the
`FormValidationAction` re-implemented `required_slots`.
- [7585](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/7585): Fixed an error when using the [SQLTrackerStore](tracker-stores.mdx#sqltrackerstore)
with a Postgres database and the parameter `login_db` specified.

The error was:

psycopg2.errors.SyntaxError: syntax error at end of input
rasa-production_1 | LINE 1: SELECT 1 FROM pg_catalog.pg_database WHERE datname = ?


Not secure
Deprecations and Removals
- [6410](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/6410): `Domain.random_template_for` is deprecated and will be removed in Rasa Open Source
3.0.0. You can alternatively use the `TemplatedNaturalLanguageGenerator`.

`Domain.action_names` is deprecated and will be removed in Rasa Open Source
3.0.0. Please use `Domain.action_names_or_texts` instead.
- [7458](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/7458): Interfaces for `Policy.__init__` and `Policy.load` have changed.
See [migration guide](./migration-guide.mdxrasa-21-to-rasa-22) for details.
- [7495](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/7495): Deprecate training and test data in Markdown format. This includes:
- reading and writing of story files in Markdown format
- reading and writing of NLU data in Markdown format
- reading and writing of retrieval intent data in Markdown format

Support for Markdown data will be removed entirely in Rasa Open Source 3.0.0.

Please convert your existing Markdown data by using the commands
from the [migration guide](./migration-guide.mdxrasa-21-to-rasa-22):

rasa data convert nlu -f yaml --data={SOURCE_DIR} --out={TARGET_DIR}
rasa data convert nlg -f yaml --data={SOURCE_DIR} --out={TARGET_DIR}
rasa data convert core -f yaml --data={SOURCE_DIR} --out={TARGET_DIR}

- [7529](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/7529): `Domain.add_categorical_slot_default_value`, `Domain.add_requested_slot`
and `Domain.add_knowledge_base_slots` are deprecated and will be removed in Rasa Open
Source 3.0.0. Their internal versions are now called during the Domain creation.
Calling them manually is no longer required.

- [6971](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/6971): Incremental training of models in a pipeline is now supported.

If you have added new NLU training examples or new stories/rules for
dialogue manager, you don't need to train the pipeline from scratch.
Instead, you can initialize the pipeline with a previously trained model
and continue finetuning the model on the complete dataset consisting of
new training examples. To do so, use `rasa train --finetune`. For more
detailed explanation of the command, check out the docs on [incremental

Added a configuration parameter `additional_vocabulary_size` to
and `number_additional_patterns` to [`RegexFeaturizer`](./components.mdxregexfeaturizer).
These parameters are useful to configure when using incremental training for your pipelines.
- [7408](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/7408): Add the option to use cross-validation to the
[`POST /model/test/intents`](/pages/http-apioperation/testModelIntent) endpoint.
To use cross-validation specify the query parameter `cross_validation_folds` in addition
to the training data in YAML format.

Add option to run NLU evaluation
([`POST /model/test/intents`](/pages/http-apioperation/testModelIntent)) and
model training ([`POST /model/train`](/pages/http-apioperation/trainModel))
To trigger asynchronous processing specify
a callback URL in the query parameter `callback_url` which Rasa Open Source should send
the results to. This URL will also be called in case of errors.
- [7496](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/7496): Make [TED Policy](./policies.mdx#ted-policy) an end-to-end policy. Namely, make it possible to train TED on stories that contain
intent and entities or user text and bot actions or bot text.
If you don't have text in your stories, TED will behave the same way as before.
Add possibility to predict entities using TED.

Here's an example of a dialogue in the Rasa story format:

- story: collect restaurant booking info name of the story - just for debugging
- intent: greet user message with no entities
- action: utter_ask_howcanhelp action that the bot should execute
- intent: inform user message with entities
- location: "rome"
- price: "cheap"
- bot: On it actual text that bot can output
- action: utter_ask_cuisine
- user: I would like [spanish](cuisine). actual text that user input
- action: utter_ask_num_people

Some model options for `TEDPolicy` got renamed.
Please update your configuration files using the following mapping:

| Old model option | New model option |
|transformer_size |dictionary “transformer_size” with keys |
| |“text”, “action_text”, “label_action_text”, “dialogue” |
|number_of_transformer_layers |dictionary “number_of_transformer_layers” with keys |
| |“text”, “action_text”, “label_action_text”, “dialogue” |
|dense_dimension |dictionary “dense_dimension” with keys |
| |“text”, “action_text”, “label_action_text”, “intent”, |
| |“action_name”, “label_action_name”, “entities”, “slots”,|
| |“active_loop” |

- [3998](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/3998): Added a message showing the location where the failed stories file was saved.
- [7232](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/7232): Add support for the top-level response keys `quick_replies`, `attachment` and `elements` refered to in `rasa.core.channels.OutputChannel.send_reponse`, as well as `metadata`.
- [7257](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/7257): Changed the format of the histogram of confidence values for both correct and incorrect predictions produced by running `rasa test`.
- [7284](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/7284): Run [`bandit`](https://bandit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) checks on pull requests.
Introduce `make static-checks` command to run all static checks locally.
- [7397](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/7397): Add `rasa train --dry-run` command that allows to check if training needs to be performed
and what exactly needs to be retrained.
- [7408](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/7408): [`POST /model/test/intents`](/pages/http-api#operation/testModelIntent) now returns
the `report` field for `intent_evaluation`, `entity_evaluation` and
`response_selection_evaluation` as machine-readable JSON payload instead of string.
- [7436](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/7436): Make `rasa data validate stories` work for end-to-end.

The `rasa data validate stories` function now considers the tokenized user text instead of the plain text that is part of a state.
This is closer to what Rasa Core actually uses to distinguish states and thus captures more story structure problems.

- [6804](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/6804): Rename `language_list` to `supported_language_list` for `JiebaTokenizer`.
- [7244](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/7244): A `float` slot returns unambiguous values - `[1.0, <value>]` if successfully converted, `[0.0, 0.0]` if not.
This makes it possible to distinguish an empty float slot from a slot set to `0.0`.
This change is model-breaking. Please retrain your models.
- [7306](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/7306): Fix an erroneous attribute for Redis key prefix in `rasa.core.tracker_store.RedisTrackerStore`: 'RedisTrackerStore' object has no attribute 'prefix'.
- [7407](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/7407): Remove token when its text (for example, whitespace) can't be tokenized by LM tokenizer (from `LanguageModelFeaturizer`).
- [7408](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/7408): Temporary directories which were created during requests to the [HTTP API](http-api.mdx)
are now cleaned up correctly once the request was processed.
- [7422](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/7422): Add option `use_word_boundaries` for `RegexFeaturizer` and `RegexEntityExtractor`. To correctly process languages such as Chinese that don't use whitespace for word separation, the user needs to add the `use_word_boundaries: False` option to those two components.
- [7529](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/7529): Correctly fingerprint the default domain slots. Previously this led to the issue
that `rasa train core` would always retrain the model even if the training data hasn't

Improved Documentation
- [7313](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/7313): Return the "Migrate from" entry to the docs sidebar.

Miscellaneous internal changes
- [7167](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/7167)


Not secure
_Pre-release version_

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