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Deprecations and Removals
- [5757](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/5757): Removed previously deprecated packages `rasa_nlu` and `rasa_core`.

Use imports from `rasa.core` and `rasa.nlu` instead.
- [5758](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/5758): Removed previously deprecated classes:
- event brokers (`EventChannel` and `FileProducer`, `KafkaProducer`,
`PikaProducer`, `SQLProducer`)
- intent classifier `EmbeddingIntentClassifier`
- policy `KerasPolicy`

Removed previously deprecated methods:
- `Agent.handle_channels`
- `TrackerStore.create_tracker_store`

Removed support for pipeline templates in `config.yml`

Removed deprecated training data keys `entity_examples` and `intent_examples` from
json training data format.
- [5834](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/5834): Removed `restaurantbot` example as it was confusing and not a great way to build a bot.
- [6296](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/6296): `LabelTokenizerSingleStateFeaturizer` is deprecated. To replicate `LabelTokenizerSingleStateFeaturizer` functionality,
add a `Tokenizer` with `intent_tokenization_flag: True` and `CountVectorsFeaturizer` to the NLU pipeline.
An example of elements to be added to the pipeline is shown in the improvement changelog 6296`.

`BinarySingleStateFeaturizer` is deprecated and will be removed in the future. We recommend to switch to `SingleStateFeaturizer`.
- [6354](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/6354): Specifying the parameters `force` and `save_to_default_model_directory` as part of the
JSON payload when training a model using `POST /model/train` is now deprecated.
Please use the query parameters `force_training` and `save_to_default_model_directory`
instead. See the [API documentation](/pages/http-api) for more information.
- [6409](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/6409): The conversation event `form` was renamed to `active_loop`. Rasa Open Source
will continue to be able to read and process old `form` events. Note that
serialized trackers will no longer have the `active_form` field. Instead the
`active_loop` field will contain the same information. Story representations
in Markdown and YAML will use `active_loop` instead of `form` to represent the
- [6453](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/6453): Removed support for `queue` argument in `PikaEventBroker` (use `queues` instead).

Domain file:
- Removed support for `templates` key (use `responses` instead).
- Removed support for string `responses` (use dictionaries instead).

NLU `Component`:
- Removed support for `provides` attribute, it's not needed anymore.
- Removed support for `requires` attribute (use `required_components()` instead).

Removed `_guess_format()` utils method from `rasa.nlu.training_data.loading` (use `guess_format` instead).

Removed several config options for [TED Policy](./policies.mdxted-policy), [DIETClassifier](./components.mdxdietclassifier) and [ResponseSelector](./components.mdxresponseselector):
- `hidden_layers_sizes_pre_dial`
- `hidden_layers_sizes_bot`
- `droprate`
- `droprate_a`
- `droprate_b`
- `hidden_layers_sizes_a`
- `hidden_layers_sizes_b`
- `num_transformer_layers`
- `num_heads`
- `dense_dim`
- `embed_dim`
- `num_neg`
- `mu_pos`
- `mu_neg`
- `use_max_sim_neg`
- `C2`
- `C_emb`
- `evaluate_every_num_epochs`
- `evaluate_on_num_examples`

Please check the documentation for more information.
- [6463](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/6463): The conversation event `form_validation` was renamed to `loop_interrupted`.
Rasa Open Source will continue to be able to read and process old `form_validation`
- [6658](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/6658): `SklearnPolicy` was deprecated. `TEDPolicy` is the preferred machine-learning policy for dialogue models.
- [6809](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/6809): [Slots](domain.mdx#slots) of type [`unfeaturized`](domain.mdxunfeaturized-slot) are
now deprecated and will be removed in Rasa Open Source 3.0. Instead you should use
the property `influence_conversation: false` for every slot type as described in the
[migration guide](migration-guide.mdxunfeaturized-slots).
- [6934](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/6934): [Conversation sessions](domain.mdx#session-configuration) are now enabled by default
if your [Domain](domain.mdx) does not contain a session configuration.
Previously a missing session configuration was treated as if conversation sessions
were disabled. You can explicitly disable conversation sessions using the following

yaml-rasa title="domain.yml"
A session expiration time of `0`
disables conversation sessions
session_expiration_time: 0

- [6952](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/6952): Using the [default action](default-actions.mdx) `action_deactivate_form` to deactivate
the currently active loop / [Form](forms.mdx) is deprecated.
Please use `action_deactivate_loop` instead.

- [4745](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/4745): Added template name to the metadata of bot utterance events.

`BotUttered` event contains a `template_name` property in its metadata for any
new bot message.
- [5086](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/5086): Added a `--num-threads` CLI argument that can be passed to `rasa train`
and will be used to train NLU components.
- [5510](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/5510): You can now define what kind of features should be used by what component
(see [Choosing a Pipeline](./tuning-your-model.mdx)).

You can set an alias via the option `alias` for every featurizer in your pipeline.
The `alias` can be anything, by default it is set to the full featurizer class name.
You can then specify, for example, on the
[DIETClassifier](./components.mdxdietclassifier) what features from which
featurizers should be used.
If you don't set the option `featurizers` all available features will be used.
This is also the default behavior.
Check components to see what components have the option
`featurizers` available.

Here is an example pipeline that shows the new option.
We define an alias for all featurizers in the pipeline.
All features will be used in the `DIETClassifier`.
However, the `ResponseSelector` only takes the features from the
`ConveRTFeaturizer` and the `CountVectorsFeaturizer` (word level).

- name: ConveRTTokenizer
- name: ConveRTFeaturizer
alias: "convert"
- name: CountVectorsFeaturizer
alias: "cvf_word"
- name: CountVectorsFeaturizer
alias: "cvf_char"
analyzer: char_wb
min_ngram: 1
max_ngram: 4
- name: RegexFeaturizer
alias: "regex"
- name: LexicalSyntacticFeaturizer
alias: "lsf"
- name: DIETClassifier:
- name: ResponseSelector
epochs: 50
featurizers: ["convert", "cvf_word"]
- name: EntitySynonymMapper

This change is model-breaking. Please retrain your models.

- [5837](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/5837): Added `--port` commandline argument to the interactive learning mode to allow
changing the port for the Rasa server running in the background.
- [5957](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/5957): Add new entity extractor `RegexEntityExtractor`. The entity extractor extracts entities using the lookup tables
and regexes defined in the training data. For more information see [RegexEntityExtractor](./components.mdxregexentityextractor).
- [5996](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/5996): Introduced a new `YAML` format for Core training data and implemented a parser
for it. Rasa Open Source can now read stories in both `Markdown` and `YAML` format.
- [6020](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/6020): You can now enable threaded message responses from Rasa through the Slack connector.
This option is enabled using an optional configuration in the credentials.yml file

use_threads: True

Button support has also been added in the Slack connector.
- [6065](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/6065): Add support for [rules](./rules.mdx) data and [forms](./forms.mdx) in YAML
- [6066](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/6066): The NLU `interpreter` is now passed to the [Policies](./policies.mdx) during training and
inference time. Note that this requires an additional parameter `interpreter` in the
method `predict_action_probabilities` of the `Policy` interface. In case a
custom `Policy` implementation doesn't provide this parameter Rasa Open Source
will print a warning and omit passing the `interpreter`.
- [6088](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/6088): Added the new dialogue policy RulePolicy which will replace the old “rule-like”
policies [Mapping Policy](./policies.mdxmapping-policy),
[Fallback Policy](./policies.mdxfallback-policy),
[Two-Stage Fallback Policy](./policies.mdxtwo-stage-fallback-policy), and
[Form Policy](./policies.mdxform-policy). These policies are now
deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please see the
[rules documentation](./rules.mdx) for more information.

Added new NLU component [FallbackClassifier](./components.mdxfallbackclassifier)
which predicts an intent `nlu_fallback` in case the confidence was below a given
threshold. The intent `nlu_fallback` may
then be used to write stories / rules to handle the fallback in case of low NLU

- Other NLU components ...
- name: FallbackClassifier
If the highest ranked intent has a confidence lower than the threshold then
the NLU pipeline predicts an intent `nlu_fallback` which you can then be used in
stories / rules to implement an appropriate fallback.
threshold: 0.5

- [6132](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/6132): Added possibility to split the domain into separate files. All YAML files
under the path specified with `--domain` will be scanned for domain
information (e.g. intents, actions, etc) and then combined into a single domain.

The default value for `--domain` is still `domain.yml`.
- [6275](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/6275): Add optional metadata argument to `NaturalLanguageInterpreter`'s parse method.
- [6354](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/6354): The Rasa Open Source API endpoint `POST /model/train` now supports training data in YAML
format. Please specify the header `Content-Type: application/yaml` when
training a model using YAML training data.
See the [API documentation](/pages/http-api) for more information.
- [6374](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/6374): Added a YAML schema and a writer for 2.0 Training Core data.
- [6404](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/6404): Users can now use the ``rasa data convert {nlu|core} -f yaml`` command to convert training data from Markdown format to YAML format.
- [6536](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/6536): Add option `use_lemma` to `CountVectorsFeaturizer`. By default it is set to `True`.

`use_lemma` indicates whether the featurizer should use the lemma of a word for counting (if available) or not.
If this option is set to `False` it will use the word as it is.

- [4536](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/4536): Add support for Python 3.8.
- [5368](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/5368): Changed the project structure for Rasa projects initialized with the
[CLI](./command-line-interface.mdx) (using the `rasa init` command):
`actions.py` -> `actions/actions.py`. `actions` is now a Python package (it contains
a file `actions/__init__.py`). In addition, the `__init__.py` at the
root of the project has been removed.
- [5481](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/5481): `DIETClassifier` now also assigns a confidence value to entity predictions.
- [5637](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/5637): Added behavior to the `rasa --version` command. It will now also list information
about the operating system, python version and `rasa-sdk`. This will make it easier
for users to file bug reports.
- [5743](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/5743): Support for additional training metadata.

Training data messages now to support kwargs and the Rasa JSON data reader
includes all fields when instantiating a training data instance.
- [5748](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/5748): Standardize testing output. The following test output can be produced for intents,
responses, entities and stories:
- report: a detailed report with testing metrics per label (e.g. precision,
recall, accuracy, etc.)
- errors: a file that contains incorrect predictions
- successes: a file that contains correct predictions
- confusion matrix: plot of confusion matrix
- histogram: plot of confidence distribution (not available for stories)
- [5756](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/5756): To avoid the problem of our entity extractors predicting entity labels for
just a part of the words, we introduced a cleaning method after the prediction
was done. We should avoid the incorrect prediction in the first place.
To achieve this we will not tokenize words into sub-words anymore.
We take the mean feature vectors of the sub-words as the feature vector of the word.

This change is model breaking. Please, retrain your models.

- [5759](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/5759): Move option `case_sensitive` from the tokenizers to the featurizers.
- Remove the option from the `WhitespaceTokenizer` and `ConveRTTokenizer`.
- Add option `case_sensitive` to the `RegexFeaturizer`.
- [5766](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/5766): If a user sends a voice message to the bot using Facebook, users messages was set to the attachments URL. The same is now also done for the rest of attachment types (image, video, and file).
- [5794](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/5794): Creating a `Domain` using `Domain.fromDict` can no longer alter the input dictionary.
Previously, there could be problems when the input dictionary was re-used for other
things after creating the `Domain` from it.
- [5805](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/5805): The debug-level logs when instantiating an
no longer show the password in plain text. Now, the URL is displayed with the password
hidden, e.g. `postgresql://username:***localhost:5432`.
- [5855](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/5855): Shorten the information in tqdm during training ML algorithms based on the log
level. If you train your model in debug mode, all available metrics will be
shown during training, otherwise, the information is shorten.
- [5913](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/5913): Ignore conversation test directory `tests/` when importing a project
using `MultiProjectImporter` and `use_e2e` is `False`.
Previously, any story data found in a project subdirectory would be imported
as training data.
- [5985](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/5985): Implemented model checkpointing for DIET (including the response selector) and TED. The best model during training will be stored instead of just the last model. The model is evaluated on the basis of `evaluate_every_number_of_epochs` and `evaluate_on_number_of_examples`.

Checkpointing is enabled iff the following is set for the models in the `config.yml` file:
* `checkpoint_model: True`
* `evaluate_on_number_of_examples > 0`

The model is stored to whatever location has been specified with the `--out` parameter when calling `rasa train nlu/core ...`.
- [6024](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/6024): `rasa data split nlu` now makes sure that there is at least one example per
intent and response in the test data.
- [6039](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/6039): The method `ensure_consistent_bilou_tagging` now also considers the confidence values of the predicted tags
when updating the BILOU tags.
- [6045](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/6045): We updated the way how we save and use features in our NLU pipeline.

The message object now has a dedicated field, called `features`, to store the
features that are generated in the NLU pipeline. We adapted all our featurizers in a
way that sequence and sentence features are stored independently. This allows us to
keep different kind of features for the sequence and the sentence. For example, the
`LexicalSyntacticFeaturizer` does not produce any sentence features anymore as our
experiments showed that those did not bring any performance gain just quite a lot of
additional values to store.

We also modified the DIET architecture to process the sequence and sentence
features independently at first. The features are concatenated just before
the transformer.

We also removed the `__CLS__` token again. Our Tokenizers will not
add this token anymore.

This change is model-breaking. Please retrain your models.

- [6052](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/6052): Add endpoint kwarg to `rasa.jupyter.chat` to enable using a custom action server while chatting with a model in a jupyter notebook.
- [6055](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/6055): Support for rasa conversation id with special characters on the server side - necessary for some channels (e.g. Viber)
- [6123](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/6123): Add support for proxy use in [slack](./connectors/slack.mdx) input channel.
- [6134](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/6134): Log the number of examples per intent during training. Logging can be enabled using `rasa train --debug`.
- [6237](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/6237): Support for other remote storages can be achieved by using an external library.
- [6273](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/6273): Add `output_channel` query param to `/conversations/<conversation_id>/tracker/events` route, along with boolean `execute_side_effects` to optionally schedule/cancel reminders, and forward bot messages to output channel.
- [6276](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/6276): Allow Rasa to boot when model loading exception occurs. Forward HTTP Error responses to standard log output.
- [6294](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/6294): Rename `DucklingHTTPExtractor` to `DucklingEntityExtractor`.
- [6296](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/6296): * Modified functionality of `SingleStateFeaturizer`.

`SingleStateFeaturizer` uses trained NLU `Interpreter` to featurize intents and action names.
This modified `SingleStateFeaturizer` can replicate `LabelTokenizerSingleStateFeaturizer` functionality.
This component is deprecated from now on.
To replicate `LabelTokenizerSingleStateFeaturizer` functionality,
add a `Tokenizer` with `intent_tokenization_flag: True` and `CountVectorsFeaturizer` to the NLU pipeline.
Please update your configuration file.

For example:
language: en
- name: WhitespaceTokenizer
intent_tokenization_flag: True
- name: CountVectorsFeaturizer

Please train both NLU and Core (using `rasa train`) to use a trained tokenizer and featurizer for core featurization.

The new `SingleStateFeaturizer` stores slots, entities and forms in sparse features for more lightweight storage.

`BinarySingleStateFeaturizer` is deprecated and will be removed in the future.
We recommend to switch to `SingleStateFeaturizer`.

* Modified `TEDPolicy` to handle sparse features. As a result, `TEDPolicy` may require more epochs than before to converge.

* Default TEDPolicy featurizer changed to `MaxHistoryTrackerFeaturizer` with infinite max history (takes all dialogue turns into account).
* Default batch size for TED increased from [8,32] to [64, 256]
- [6323](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/6323): [Response selector templates](./components.mdx#responseselector) now support all features that
domain utterances do. They use the yaml format instead of markdown now.
This means you can now use buttons, images, ... in your FAQ or chitchat responses
(assuming they are using the response selector).

As a consequence, training data form in markdown has to have the file
suffix `.md` from now on to allow proper file type detection-
- [6457](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/6457): Support for test stories written in yaml format.
- [6466](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/6466): [Response Selectors](./components.mdx#responseselector) are now trained on retrieval intent labels by default instead of the actual response text. For most models, this should improve training time and accuracy of the `ResponseSelector`.

If you want to revert to the pre-2.0 default behavior, add the `use_text_as_label=true` parameter to your `ResponseSelector` component.

You can now also have multiple response templates for a single sub-intent of a retrieval intent. The first response template
containing the text attribute is picked for training(if `use_text_as_label=True`) and a random template is picked for bot's utterance just as how other `utter_` templates are picked.

All response selector related evaluation artifacts - `report.json, successes.json, errors.json, confusion_matrix.png` now use the sub-intent of the retrieval intent as the target and predicted labels instead of the actual response text.

The output schema of `ResponseSelector` has changed - `full_retrieval_intent` and `name` have been deprecated in favour
of `intent_response_key` and `response_templates` respectively. Additionally a key `all_retrieval_intents`
is added to the response selector output which will hold a list of all retrieval intents(faq,chitchat, etc.)
that are present in the training data.An example output looks like this -

"response_selector": {
"all_retrieval_intents": ["faq"],
"default": {
"response": {
"id": 1388783286124361986, "confidence": 1.0, "intent_response_key": "faq/is_legit",
"response_templates": [
"text": "absolutely",
"image": "https://i.imgur.com/nGF1K8f.jpg"
"text": "I think so."
"ranking": [
"id": 1388783286124361986,
"confidence": 1.0,
"intent_response_key": "faq/is_legit"

An example bot demonstrating how to use the `ResponseSelector` is added to the `examples` folder.
- [6472](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/6472): Do not modify conversation tracker's ``latest_input_channel`` property when using ``POST /trigger_intent`` or ``ReminderScheduled``.
- [6555](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/6555): Do not set the output dimension of the `sparse-to-dense` layers to the same dimension as the dense features.

Update default value of `dense_dimension` and `concat_dimension` for `text` in `DIETClassifier` to 128.
- [6591](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/6591): Retrieval actions with `respond_` prefix are now replaced with usual utterance actions with `utter_` prefix.

If you were using retrieval actions before, rename all of them to start with `utter_` prefix. For example, `respond_chitchat` becomes `utter_chitchat`.
Also, in order to keep the response templates more consistent, you should now add the `utter_` prefix to all response templates defined for retrieval intents. For example, a response template `chitchat/ask_name` becomes `utter_chitchat/ask_name`. Note that the NLU examples for this will still be under `chitchat/ask_name` intent.
The example `responseselectorbot` should help clarify these changes further.
- [6613](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/6613): Added telemetry reporting. Rasa uses telemetry to report anonymous usage information.
This information is essential to help improve Rasa Open Source for all users.
Reporting will be opt-out. More information can be found in our
[telemetry documentation](./telemetry/telemetry.mdx).
- [6757](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/6757): Update `extract_other_slots` method inside `FormAction` to fill a slot from an entity
with a different name if corresponding slot mapping of `from_entity` type is unique.
- [6809](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/6809): [Slots](domain.mdx#slots) of any type can now be ignored during a conversation.
To do so, specify the property `influence_conversation: false` for the slot.

type: text
influence_conversation: false

The property `influence_conversation` is set to `true` by default. See the
[documentation for slots](domain.mdxslots) for more information.

A new slot type [`any`](domain.mdxany-slot) was added. Slots of this type can store
any value. Slots of type `any` are always ignored during conversations.
- [6856](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/6856): Improved exception handling within Rasa Open Source.

All exceptions that are somewhat expected (e.g. errors in file formats like
configurations or training data) will share a common base class

::warning Backwards Incompatibility
Base class for the exception raised when an action can not be found has been changed
from a `NameError` to a `ValueError`.

Some other exceptions have also slightly changed:
- raise `YamlSyntaxException` instead of YAMLError (from ruamel) when
failing to load a yaml file with information about the line where loading failed
- introduced `MissingDependencyException` as an exception raised if packages
need to be installed
- [6900](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/6900): Debug logs from `matplotlib` libraries are now hidden by default and are configurable with the `LOG_LEVEL_LIBRARIES` environment variable.
- [6943](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/6943): Update `KafkaEventBroker` to support `SASL_SSL` and `PLAINTEXT` protocols.

- [3597](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/3597): Fixed issue where temporary model directories were not removed after pulling from a model server.

If the model pulled from the server was invalid, this could lead to large amounts of local storage usage.
- [5038](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/5038): Fixed a bug in the `CountVectorsFeaturizer` which resulted in the very first
message after loading a model to be processed incorrectly due to the vocabulary
not being loaded yet.
- [5135](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/5135): Fixed Rasa shell skipping button messages if buttons are attached to
a message previous to the latest.
- [5385](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/5385): Stack level for `FutureWarning` updated to level 2.
- [5453](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/5453): If custom utter message contains no value or integer value, then it fails
returning custom utter message. Fixed by converting the template to type string.
- [5617](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/5617): Don't create TensorBoard log files during prediction.
- [5638](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/5638): Fixed DIET breaking with empty spaCy model.
- [5737](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/5737): Pinned the library version for the Azure
[Cloud Storage](./model-storage.mdxload-model-from-cloud) to 2.1.0 since the
persistor is currently not compatible with later versions of the azure-storage-blob
- [5755](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/5755): Remove `clean_up_entities` from extractors that extract pre-defined entities.
Just keep the clean up method for entity extractors that extract custom entities.
- [5792](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/5792): Fixed issue where the `DucklingHTTPExtractor` component would
not work if its `url` contained a trailing slash.
- [5808](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/5808): Changed to variable `CERT_URI` in `hangouts.py` to a string type
- [5850](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/5850): Slots will be correctly interpolated for `button` responses.

Previously this resulted in no interpolation due to a bug.
- [5905](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/5905): Remove option `token_pattern` from `CountVectorsFeaturizer`.
Instead all tokenizers now have the option `token_pattern`.
If a regular expression is set, the tokenizer will apply the token pattern.
- [5921](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/5921): Allow user to retry failed file exports in interactive training.
- [5964](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/5964): Fixed a bug when custom metadata passed with the utterance always restarted the session.
- [5998](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/5998): `WhitespaceTokenizer` does not remove vowel signs in Hindi anymore.
- [6042](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/6042): Convert entity values coming from `DucklingHTTPExtractor` to string
during evaluation to avoid mismatches due to different types.
- [6053](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/6053): Update `FeatureSignature` to store just the feature dimension instead of the
complete shape. This change fixes the usage of the option `share_hidden_layers`
in the `DIETClassifier`.
- [6087](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/6087): Unescape the `\n, \t, \r, \f, \b` tokens on reading nlu data from markdown files.

On converting json files into markdown, the tokens mentioned above are espaced. These tokens need to be unescaped on loading the data from markdown to ensure that the data is treated in the same way.
- [6120](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/6120): Fix the way training data is generated in rasa test nlu when using the `-P` flag.
Each percentage of the training dataset used to be formed as a part of the last
sampled training dataset and not as a sample from the original training dataset.
- [6143](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/6143): Prevent `WhitespaceTokenizer` from outputting empty list of tokens.
- [6198](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/6198): Add `EntityExtractor` as a required component for `EntitySynonymMapper` in a pipeline.
- [6222](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/6222): Better handling of input sequences longer than the maximum sequence length that the `HFTransformersNLP` models can handle.

During training, messages with longer sequence length should result in an error, whereas during inference they are
gracefully handled but a debug message is logged. Ideally, passing messages longer than the acceptable maximum sequence
lengths of each model should be avoided.
- [6231](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/6231): When using the `DynamoTrackerStore`, if there are more than 100 DynamoDB tables, the tracker could attempt to re-create an existing table if that table was not among the first 100 listed by the dynamo API.
- [6282](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/6282): Fixed a deprication warning that pops up due to changes in numpy
- [6291](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/6291): Update `rasabaster` to fix an issue with syntax highlighting on "Prototype an Assistant" page.

Update default stories and rules on "Prototype an Assistant" page.
- [6419](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/6419): Fixed a bug in the `serialise` method of the `EvaluationStore` class which resulted in a wrong end-to-end evaluation of the predicted entities.
- [6535](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/6535): [Forms](./forms.mdx) with slot mappings defined in `domain.yml` must now be a
dictionary (with form names as keys). The previous syntax where `forms` was simply a
list of form names is still supported.
- [6577](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/6577): Remove BILOU tag prefix from role and group labels when creating entities.
- [6601](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/6601): Fixed a bug in the featurization of the boolean slot type. Previously, to set a slot value to "true",
you had to set it to "1", which is in conflict with the documentation. In older versions `true`
(without quotes) was also possible, but now raised an error during yaml validation.
- [6603](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/6603): Fixed a bug in rasa interactive. Now it exports the stories and nlu training data as yml file.
- [6711](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/6711): Fixed slots not being featurized before first user utterance.

Fixed AugmentedMemoizationPolicy to forget the first action on the first going back
- [6741](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/6741): Fixed the remote URL of ConveRT model as it was recently updated by its authors.
- [6755](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/6755): Treat the length of OOV token as 1 to fix token align issue when OOV occurred.
- [6757](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/6757): Fixed the bug when entity was extracted even
if it had a role or group but roles or groups were not expected.
- [6803](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/6803): Fixed the bug that caused `supported_language_list` of `Component` to not work correctly.

To avoid confusion, only one of `supported_language_list` and `not_supported_language_list` can be set to not `None` now
- [6897](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/6897): Fixed issue where responses including `text: ""` and no `custom` key would incorrectly fail domain validation.
- [6898](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/6898): Fixed issue where extra keys other than `title` and `payload` inside of `buttons` made a response fail domain validation.
- [6919](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/6919): Do not filter training data in model.py but on component side.
- [6929](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/6929): Check if a model was provided when executing `rasa test core`.
If not, print a useful error message and stop.
- [6805](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/6805): Transfer only response templates for retrieval intents from domain to NLU Training Data.

This avoids retraining the NLU model if one of the non retrieval intent response templates are edited.

Improved Documentation
- [4441](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/4441): Added documentation on `ambiguity_threshold` parameter in Fallback Actions page.
- [4605](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/4605): Remove outdated whitespace tokenizer warning in Testing Your Assistant documentation.
- [5640](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/5640): Updated Facebook Messenger channel docs with supported attachment information
- [5675](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/5675): Update `rasa shell` documentation to explain how to recreate external
channel session behavior.
- [5811](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/5811): Event brokers documentation should say `url` instead of `host`.
- [5952](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/5952): Update `rasa init` documentation to include `tests/conversation_tests.md`
in the resulting directory tree.
- [6819](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/6819): Update ["Validating Form Input" section](./forms.mdx#validating-form-input) to include details about
how `FormValidationAction` class makes it easier to validate form slots in custom actions and how to use it.
- [6823](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/6823): Update the examples in the API docs to use YAML instead of Markdown

Miscellaneous internal changes
- [5784](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/5784), [#5788](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/5788), [#6199](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/6199), [#6403](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/6403), [#6735](https://github.com/rasahq/rasa/issues/6735)


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