- Add support for multiple sanic workers (configurable with the
`ACTION_SERVER_SANIC_WORKERS` environment variable).
- Add support for async `run` methods in the `Action` class.
- Return status code `404` in case requested action was not found.
- Return status code `400` in case an empty request body was sent to the `/webhook`
- Replace `flask` server framework with `sanic`.
- Replace `flask_cors` with `sanic-cors`.
- `CollectingDispatcher.utter_message` can now do anything that other dispatcher
methods can do.
- The `CollectingDispatcher` methods `utter_custom_message`, `utter_elements`,
`utter_button_message`, `utter_attachment`, `utter_button_template`,
`utter_template`, `utter_custom_json` and `utter_image_url` were deprecated in
favor of `utter_message`.
- Updated format strings to f-strings where appropriate.
- Remove `requests` dependency
- Remove `gevent` dependency