This release brings additions and bug-fixes for the Music Player plugin, as well as new events for plugin use.
\~ Shuffle and Repeat are now their own commands, instead of aliases of SongMode, allowing them to behave more as expected
\~ Shuffle-repeat mode will now play every song in the playlist once before repeating itself
\~ Playing multiple songs with a single Play command now treats the listed songs as a playlist, creating more elegant, less spammy output
\~ SongVolume can now be called with a `-[-t]emporary` flag, which resets the volume to the previous level after the current song ends
\~ Raw reaction events are now available for plugin use (required for recent update to Role Request plugin)
\* Verbose mode will capture and output developer warnings
\* Fix many errors in NowPlaying related to missing data or too long data
\* Reverted length/duration display changes for non-fixed-width uses