
Latest version: v3.0.2

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Another hotfix release.

\- Remove outdated and misplaced motds.json.example
\~ Update code and docs to account for proper release of 1.x
\* RPN command functions properly in POSIX-compliant shells
\* Logger should now properly fetch usernames from audit logs
\* Fix display errors in music player error messages


Another patch release, with a few more new features.
\+ Music player now downloads information for videos in a playlist one at a time, drastically speeding up playlist queueing and preventing queue failure if one video is unavailable
\+ Reminders can now be set to recur in hour intervals
\+ Add Ping command for testing bot latency
\+ Print invite URL if bot detects no servers
\~ Shutdown command can only be used by bot maintainers
\~ Markdown splitter recognizes spoiler (||) tags
\~ Execute can return NoneType results
\~ Message delete logging prints the cache URL for attachments, potentially allowing viewing for a short time after deletion
\~ Bot will attempt to recover from corrupted config files, if interrupted during a save operation
\* Only allow each user to vote for a song-skip once
\* Fix error in music cache cleanup
\* Fix various display bugs in Music Player
\* Fix RSLisp mis-parsing some variable names as booleans
\* Help command now recognizes bot maintainer status
\* Fix errors in role update logging
\* Fix error from typing events in DMs


Housekeeping and bugfixes, with a couple new features mixed in.

\+ JSON data files can be uploaded for use with custom commands. See wiki for details
\+ Remind command now has options to ping \here and \everyone, accessible to moderators.
\+ Add RemindListAll command for moderators to view all reminders from their guild
\- JSON CC format has been removed; upload Lisp source instead
\~ Bot will display a more informative error message when the token is missing or invalid
\* The bot now shuts down without any error messages
\* Bot properly cleans up when it leaves a voice channel due to inactivity
\* Fix several channel category bugs from incomplete refactor
\* Role update logger will not log role movements
\* Fix error in role update logging
\* Fixes for multiple-message splitting and sending
\* Unsetting channel types now works properly
\* Fix MusicBan permissions
\* Fix error in NowPlaying
\* Fix a missing comma in the file
\* get_plugin_config_file will no longer open the same file twice


Mostly cleanup and refactoring, with notable changes mostly for plugin developers.
Highlights for end-users include a more functional install process, and better handling of lacking permissions.
\+ Music player will now automatically disconnect after a configurable period of inactivity
\+ Music player can now be configured to print the current queue when new songs are added
\+ Music player will print the time until your song starts playing if the queue is not empty
\+ Added verify_embed utility command to take an input dictionary, verify it fits embed length requirements, and return a usable embed object
\+ Config manager now has utility `is_maintainer` command
\- MotD plugin has been removed from core and is now found in the extra plugins repo.
\~ Import machinery has been refactored again; plugins can now import from each other using `from import x, y, z` and directory-based plugins are now possible
\~ Music player default config now includes "noplaylist" youtube-dl option
\~ Plugins now register channel types, channel categories, and log events they use with class values
\~ The old `split_messages` and `split_output` commands have been deprecated in favor of a new `split_message` command that handles both of their jobs
\~ Logger plugin has been refactored to be more readable
\~ More helpful error message when the music player fails to join voice
\~ Purge will raise a syntax error instead of clamping value if the count given is out of bounds
\* Project dependencies have been corrected so that installation can install them properly
\* All needed directories are now properly created if missing
\* Checks were added in several places to handle missing permissions
\* Voice-based permissions are now properly detected in Command decorator
\* Channel manager commands now properly uses channel manager's storage instead of its own
\* Purge will fail correctly when it lacks the permissions to delete, instead of only purging the bot's own messages
\* Attachments of deleted messages are now listed in a more readable manner as intended
\* Errors will be suppressed when a delcall command fails to delete
\* RSLisp reprinter escapes special characters as intended


A quick hotfix release to fix an error that new users would run into on first run.

\* Storage directory is correctly created on first run.
\* Requirements.txt now specifies that rewrite must be installed
\* Music Player now checks for a duration value in a specific pre-normalization instance


The big 2.0, a version we never suspected we'd make. We think there were enough major changes this version to warrant it, though. We promise we've been working over the past nine months!

**NOTE:** This is a major release and as such will contain breaking changes. It is recommended that you install Red Star from scratch, as important features including the Cupboard and portability by default have been removed!

**NOTE:** Python 3.7.0 or greater is now **required**!

\+ Red Star has been converted to an installable package! This also means that this will be the first Red Star release on the Python Packaging Index, right [here](!
\+ In combination with this, Red Star now creates and uses a folder in your user directory for storage of configuration and data (defaults to `$HOME/.red_star`). This can be disabled with the `--portable` command-line flag.
\+ Reminder plugin added; allows users to set reminders with a given message at a specified time or delay, with optional recurrence.
\+ Voting plugin added; allows users to easily create, vote in, and tally the results of polls with up to 16 options.
\+ Custom Commands parser has been entirely reworked; instead of using the old tags system, Custom Commands are now written and parsed in our own dialect of Scheme, RSLisp, allowing for much more powerful commands to be easily written.
\+ Red Star now supports command-line arguments; see the for their descriptions.
\+ Added a global tick plugin event to fire events that should be run on intervals, rather than requiring each plugin to handle its own timer.
\+ Added ReloadPlugin, a bot management function that reloads a plugin from source.
\+ Added RSArgumentParser, a subclass of argparse.ArgumentParser allowing commands to more flexibly and easily process arguments.
\+ Purge now supports several flags, making it much more flexible. See its documentation for details.
\+ In a similar vein, SetConfig also supports several flags to much the same end.
\+ GetConfig and SetConfig can modify other plugins' config files with the `--file` flag.
\+ Certain bot management commands can now be used in DMs
\+ Bot will now forward DMs sent to it to bot maintainers
\+ Announcer plugin now includes the ability for the bot to respond to being pinged with random messages.
\+ CreateCC and EditCC now accept `--source` flag, allowing files containing raw RSLisp source code to be uploaded easily.
\+ Added MusicConfig command to allow server owners to configure per-server Music settings.
\+ Music Player's printing of queue on edit is now configurable per-server.
\+ MotD now allows a different MotD file to be used on a per-server basis.
\+ MotD now supports strftime format-strings in MotDs.
\+ Added get_guild_config utility function for easily handling per-server configuration options.
\+ rs_version file added to package to allow single-source version numbers.
\+ All plugins have had missing metadata added to them.

\- Several plugins (namely, Channel Dump, Console, Leveling, and Roleplay) were removed from the core distribution. These plugins are now available at [the extra plugins repo](, and can be installed by simply dropping them in the `plugins` folder in Red Star's config folder.
\- The Cupboard storage system has been entirely removed in favor of the new per-plugin JSON file feature.
\- DotDict has been removed and all of its uses have been converted to standard dictionaries.
\- Dropped schedule requirement.
\- Removed time display from Music Player.

\~ Red Star now requires, at minimum, Python 3.7 or higher.
\~ Music Player has been entirely rewritten to be more readable and lightweight. Some features may still be missing from the old version.
\~ Music Player can now queue songs asynchronously, allowing playback to start as soon as the first song in a playlist is downloaded.
\~ Music Player will now output specific errors when a video fails to download.
\~ All instances of discord.Game are now discord.Activity, following changes in
\~ CreateRole and EditRole use the new flag system as well.
\~ split_message utility function now takes a max_len argument.
\~ response is no longer a required argument in respond.
\~ is_positive utility function now returns a more verbose error.

\* Definitely some bugs fixed, but too many to list and many unfortunately undocumented in commits or wiped by rewrites.

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