
Latest version: v3.0.2

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We're back from the dead, and we should have released this a while ago.

\+ Roleplay plugin added; allows users to upload character bios, set race roles, and roll dice.
\+ Leveling plugin added; tracks XP per-user, awarded by sending messages.
\+ Console plugin added; allows control of the bot from a command-line interface.
\+ Channel Dump plugin added; allows dumping of messages into text files.
\+ New CC tags: `<getvar>`, `<setvar>`, `<match>`, `<contains>`, `<choice>`, `<randint>`, `<transcode>`, `<replace>`, `<resub>`, `<wrandom>`, `<rpn>`, `<assert>`, `<time>`. See wiki for usage.
\+ Custom Commands can now be uploaded as JSON.
\+ Custom Command validator added; ensures CCs are valid before allowing them to be created/uploaded.
\+ `<args>` CC tag supports argument slices.
\+ `<embed>` now allows custom footers.
\+ Custom Commands now have a per-user limit on the number that can be created.
\+ Users can now be restricted from using and creating CCs, with `ccmute` and `ccban` respectively. `listccban` can be used to list all muted/banned users.
\+ Added `rpn` command; parses arguments in Reverse Polish Notation.
\+ Channel groups are supported, allowing plugins to act on whole sets of channels.
\+ Logger now logs username/discriminator changes.
\+ Logger now logs pins/unpins.
\+ Logger now logs user joins/leaves/kicks/bans/unbans.
\+ Logger now logs role edits.
\+ Bot now uses auto-sharding (if any of you nuts are using Red Star on hundreds of guilds)
\+ Add `execute` command for bot maintainers; runs arbitrary Python code, use with caution.
\+ `noread` channel category added; prevents the bot from responding to *anything* that occurs in its channels.
\- Removed Anti-Spam plugin; it turned out to be quite broken, and moreover, generally useless.
\- Removed `<rot13>` CC tag; its function has been superseded by that of `<transcode>`.
\~ Command Dispatcher and Channel Manager are no longer plugins, since they are essentially necessary for the bot to function.
\~ Bot now shuts down much more cleanly than before.
\~ Bot maintainers have full permissions for all commands.
\~ Message deletions are now delayed to prevent double-posting and ghost-messages.
\~ MotD loop is now synced to zero seconds, to make MotD posting more accurately timed.
\~ Users and roles can now be found with mentions, names, IDs, and similar.
\* Fixed issue wherein bot would stop receiving events after extended run-times.
\* `<authorname>` and `<authornick>` tags fixed.
\* Music bot doesn't break on switching channels now.
\* Fixed aliases not being registered.
\* Fixed parsing "true" as a negative response, and vice versa for "false."
\* CC parsing can handle much longer CCs now.
\* Empty CCs don't break any more.
\* Generally improved error handling for various CC tags.
\* Various grammar and documentation updates.
\* Further improvements to overall system stability and other minor adjustments have been made to enhance the user experience.


This release doesn't have much in the way of features, but quite a few bug-fixes.
\+ Add `update_name` command to change nickname or username of bot.
\+ Add message creation time to Message Edit and Message Delete logging.
\+ Add `logevent` command to control logged events in Logger.
\+ Log `member_update` events, including nickname, avatar and role changes.
\~ Music Player will only instantiate one FFmpeg process at a time, instead of one for all items in queue.
\~ `update_avatar` now requires Manage Server permission.
\~ Multi-word arguments no longer require a leading `!`; quotes can be escaped with `\`.
\~ `purge` has a new alias `prune`.
\~ `purge` now accepts both a `search` and `author` argument.
\~ `createcc` docs now contains link to Custom Commands wiki page.
\~ `searchcss` can now search by author.
\~ `set_channel` can now unset channels.
\~ `volume` has been limited to 100.
\* Fixed finding user by ID.
\* Song cache correctly handles already deleted files.
\* Fixed dysfunction of `musicban`, `musicunban`, `volume`, `about`, and `addmotd` commands.
\* Fixed newlines being inappropriately removed from `createcc`, `editcc`, and `addmotd` commands.
\* Fixed Music Player not displaying any errors that occur while downloading a song.
\* Fixed New Member Announcements not functioning.
\* Fix `skipsong` not resetting skip count on next song.
\* Fix `leavevc` not detecting that songs are currently playing.
\* Fixed `activate_all` firing multiple times.
\* Fixed `leavevc` ignoring non-administrator users.
\- Remove "No such CC" feedback message.
\- Remove `force_music_channel` config option; music channel is required if a `voice_music` channel is set.


Big backend changes!'s rewrite branch is now required.
\+ Add anti-spam module
\+ Add file logging (`red_star.log`)
\+ Add feedback while bot is adding songs to queue
\~ Upgrade to v1.0.0a (rewrite)
\~ `activate` and `deactivate` can now (de)activate plugins persistently (across restarts)
\~ Bot will now raise a clearer error if a command fails because the bot doesn't have permissions needed.
\~ Formatting improvements for `help`
\~ Logger batches messages to reduce log spam
\~ High-level bot management commands that affect all servers the bot is running on (e.g. `update_avatar`, `set_config`, `deactivate`) now require the user to be defined as a "bot maintainer" in the bot's configuration.
\- Remove `moverole`, its functionality is now handled by `editrole`.


\+ Red Star has been rewritten to be able to run on multiple servers simultaneously.
\+ Added Channel Manager: Channel Manager handles channel types per-server. Use `get_channel` and `set_channel` to set channels as a type.
\+ `purge` can now match by author with `author:`
\+ Add `addholiday` command: Allows MotD holidays to be added.
\+ Added `leavevoice` command to tell the bot to leave a voice channel.
\+ Bot now leaves a voice channel if it is empty for a given time.
\~ `set_config` now checks type.
\~ Added `<server>` tag for `get_config` and `set_config`, substitutes for server ID.
\~ `volume` now returns feedback when changing volume.
\~ `testmotd` now checks that the inputs are valid dates.
\~ Logger now logs the attachments of deleted messages.
\~ Miscellaneous bug fixes.


This release primarily brings significant improvements to the Music plugin.
\+ Added queue appending and dumping commands.
\+ Add get_config and set_config commands.
\+ Music can now be cached for improved performance.
\+ Music plugin now supports playlists.
\~ Shutdown command should be much cleaner now; please only use !shutdown to turn off the bot.
\~ Queue display has been improved.
\~ Fixed skipsong skipping the entire queue.
\~ Music commands check permission
\~ Display song progress in bot's Playing status.
\~ Fixes for non-YouTube sources.
\~ Omit aliases from help display if there are none.
\~ Log the channel in which messages are edited/deleted.


The first prime-time release of Red Star.
- Purging
- Event logging (Message edit and delete, server join and leave)
- Role administration by commands
- Message of the Day with configurable holidays and messages based on day, weekday, or month
- New member announcer
- Music playing
- Custom commands
See the [README]( for installation details and the [wiki]( for configuration and usage information.

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