
Latest version: v4.2.2

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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Not secure

- bump http-parser requirement to 0.8.1
- fix User-Agent typo
- fix https request by proxy
- move from epydoc to sphinx


Not secure

- fix a race condition while releasing the socket on incomplete read


Not secure

- catch NoMoreData error on headers parsing
- fix Host Header


Not secure

- add the **skip_body** method to the response object
- fix connection reset
- fix unicode encoding in oauth
- remove max_connection setting in the client


Not secure

- improvment: Enable multivqlue field in multipart POST content
- fix Content-Type for multipart content type
- Fix debian packaging
- Support cookie in response and request
- use http-parser 0.7.5
- improve Error handling
- improve disconnections support
- support socketpool 0.4.1: improve connection reuse & keepalive.


Not secure

- proxy contrib: set content length if provided
- use latest http-parser 0.7.4

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