
Latest version: v4.2.2

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Not secure

- update doc


Not secure

- fix connection reusing. When connection is closed or an EPIPE/EAGAIN
error happen, we now retry it.
- fix wgsi_proxy contrib
- fix examples


Not secure

- Replace the socket pool by `socketpool
<>`_ improve connection handling
and better management of gevent & eventlet.
- Fix NoMoreData issue
- Fix SSL connections
- multipart forms: quote is now configurable & flush size cache


Not secure

- Add `hook <>`_ for BoundaryItem subclasses to handle unreadable values
- Add realm support to restkit
- Fix restcli --shell, upgrade it for IPython 0.11
- Stop catching KeyboardInterrupt and SystemExit exceptions
- Make sure we don't release the socket twice


Not secure

- New HTTP parser, using python `http-parser <>`_
in C based on http-parser from Ryan Dahl.
- Fix UnboundLocalError
- Sync oauth with last python-oauth2 (fix POST & encoding issues)
- Improve sending

Breaking changes:

- Headers is an IOrderdDict object now, wich means by default you can
get any headers case insensitively using get or headers[key], as a
result the method **iget** has been removed.


Not secure

- Fix sending on linux.

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