- Complete refactoring of pool. Now handle more concurrent connections (priority to read)
- Added full ssl support in restkit. It needs `ssl <http://pypi.python.org/pypi/ssl>`_ module on Python 2.5x
- New HTTP parser.
- Added close method to response object to make sure the socket is correctly released.
- Improved default http client, so form objects can be directly handled.
- Improved request function
Breaking changes:
- **Default HttpResponse isn't any more persistent**. You have to save it to reuse it. A persistent response will be provided in restkit 2.1 .
- Deprecate HttpResponse body, unicode_body and body_file properties. They are replaced by body_string and body_stream methods.
- Resource arguments
- Complete refactoring of filters. Now they have to be declared when you create a resource or http client. An on_connect method can be used in filter now. This method is used before the connection happen, it's useful for proxy support for example.
- Oauth2 filter has been simplfied, see `example <authentication.html>`_