
Latest version: v1.0.2

Safety actively analyzes 714860 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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* Patch
- Move ReSurfEMG repo from to


* Patch
- Fix: config file generation from template showed unexpected behaviour in overwriting existing config files and failing when not_pushed did not exist.
- postprocessing.features methods time_to_peak and pseudo_slope methods smoothed by default. Changed to smoothing on smooth=True
- Add subpackages and modules to init files for smoother imports


* Major revision
- Refactor ReSurfEMG library
- cli
- data_connector
- config
- file_discovery
- converter_functions
- tmsisdk_lite
- synthetic_data
- data_classes
- peakset_classes
- preprocessing
- filtering
- ecg_removal
- envelope
- postprocesing
- baseline
- event_detection
- features
- quality_assessment
- pipelines
- processing
- ipy_widgets
- synthetic_data
- helper_functions
- math_operations
- visualization
- data_classes_quality_assessment
- Added new functions:
- data_connector.converter_functions
- load_file
- load_poly5
- load_csv
- load_mat
- load_npy
- data_connector.file_discovery
- find_files
- find_folders
- data_connector.data_classes
- TimeSeries
- TimeSeriesGroup
- EmgDataGroup
- VentilatorDataGroup
- data_connector.peakset_class
- PeakSet
- helper_functions.math_operations
- bell_curve
- helper_functions.visualization
- show_psd_welch
- show_periodogram
- pipelines.ipy_widgets
- file_select
- pipelines.processing
- quick_look
- pipelines.synthetic_data
- synthetic_ventilator_data_cli
- pipelines
- ipywidgets
- postprocessing.event_detection
- find_occluded_breaths
- detect_ventilator_breath
- detect_emg_breaths
- find_linked_peaks
- postprocessing.features
- amplitude
- respiratory_rate
- postprocessing.quality_assessment
- snr_pseudo
- pocc_quality
- interpeak_dist
- percentage_under_baseline
- detect_local_high_aub
- detect_extreme_time_products
- detect_non_consecutive_manoeuvres
- evaluate_bell_curve_error
- evaluate_event_timing
- evaluate_respiratory_rates
- preprocessing.ecg_removal
- wavelet_denoising
- preprocessing.envelope
- full_rolling_arv
- Renamed functions for clarity:
- times_under_curve --> time_to_peak
- simulate_ventilator_with_occlusions --> simulate_ventilator_data
- simulate_emg_with_occlusions --> simulate_emg
- find_peaks_in_ecg_signal --> detect_ecg_peaks
- show_my_power_spectrum --> show_power_spectrum
- Moved functions:
- config.config --> data_connector.synthetic_data
- simulate_ventilator_data
- simulate_emg
- preprocessing.envelope --> helper_functions.math_operations
- visualization.visualization --> helper_functions.visualization
- show_power_spectrum
- pipelines.pipelines --> pipelines.processing
- ecg_removal
- Rudimentary functions are discontinued:
- config.config
- make_synth_emg
- config.make_realistic_syn_emg
- make_realistic_syn_emg_cli
- data_connector.converter_functions
- save_j_as_np
- save_j_as_np_single
- helper_functions.helper_functions
- count_decision_array
- relative_levenshtein
- distance_matrix
- preprocess
- postprocessing.features
- simple_area_under_curve
- area_under_curve
- find_peak_in_breath
- variability_maker
- postprocessing.envelope
- smooth_for_baseline
- smooth_for_baseline_with_overlay
- vect_naive_rolling_rms
- preprocessing.ecg_removal
- compute_ica_two_comp
- compute_ica_two_comp_multi
- compute_ICA_two_comp_selective
- compute_ICA_n_comp
- pick_more_peaks_array
- pick_highest_correlation_array_multi
- compute_ICA_n_comp_selective_zeroing
- pick_lowest_correlation_array
- pick_highest_correlation_array
- preprocessing.envelope
- hi_envelope
- smooth_for_baseline
- smooth_for_baseline_with_overlay
- vect_naive_rolling_rms
- preprocessing.filtering
- emg_bandpass_butter_sample
- emg_highpass_butter_sample
- bad_end_cutter
- bad_end_cutter_for_samples
- bad_end_cutter_better
- Discontinue machine learning (ML) functionality
- save_ml_output
- applu_model
- pipelines.pipelines
- working_pipe_multi
- alternative_a_pipeline_multi
- alternative_b_pipeline_multi
- working_pipeline_pre_ml_multi
- working_pipeline_exp
- working_pipeline_pre_ml
- Entropy functionality is moved to a legacy submodule (legacy.entropy), which is not included in the package:
- --> legacy.entropical
- --> legacy.entropy_scipy
- --> legacy.rowwise_chebyshev
- --> legacy.sampen
- --> legacy.calc_closed_sampent
- --> legacy.calc_open_sampent
- --> legacy.entropy_maker


* Minor revision
- Bug fixes in:
- postprocessing.event_detection: On-/Offset detection using baseline crossing, and maximum slope extrapolation.


* Major revision

- Conversion from build to pyproject.toml build
- Discontinue Conda package releases
- Include Python 3.10 and 3.11 support
- Introduction of new functions:
- postprocessing.baseline: Moving baseline, Slopesum baseline
- postprocessing.event_detection: On-/Offset detection using baseline crossing, and maximum slope extrapolation.


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