
Latest version: v0.3.1

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* Tenth version, first major revision/version:

- Switch of all environments and functionality to run on Python 3.9
- Installation possibility via mamba added (preffered)
- Revision of some notebooks to allow processing of numpy array files directly
- Fixed lack of tkinter in environment yaml



* Ninth version of this Python project, containing (added to this version):

- Improved function for entropy in helper_functions module
- Variability over array function (variability_maker) in helper_functions module
- Additional command line functionality to convert certain csv files into files that can be processing in the ReSurfEMG-Dashboard.
- Testing matrix to include Python 3.9



* Eight version of this Python project, containing (added to this version):

- Improved function at time to peak in a curve absolute and relative i.e. times_under_curve()
- Function for psuedoslope of take-off i.e. helper_functions.pseudoslope()
- Upgrade of to pin mne/mne-base, skikit-learn version, other setup file changes



* Seventh version of this Python project, containing (added to this version):

- Function for looking at time to peak in a curve absolute and relative i.e. times_under_curve()
- Upgrade of CI to include a newer setup-conda action (v1.1.1)



* Sixth version of this Python project, containing (added to this version):

- Reading function Poly5Reader in new tmsisdk_lite module which reads Poly5-files and can produce an array in the format our library uses
- Command line synthetic data creation, data pre-processing and machine learning (new module cli)
- New synthetic data function in config module
- New independent component analysis (ICA) functions which allow processing of any number of leads
- More functions for signal analysis including clinically relevant variations of area under curve and a function (distance_matrix) that produces various mathematical distances which can be used to compare EMG and other signals e.g. ventilator or EMG



* Fifth version of this Python project, containing (added to this version):

- Converter functions added to converter_functions module to take other lab formats into an array in the format our library uses
- Preprocessing pipelines for any number of leads, which any subset can be chosen added to multi_lead_type module
- config module added so outside users can easily point towards thier own datasets, includes a new function to make synthetic EMG data, and hash file validation function (moved from converter_functions)
- In repository (technically not part of version): legacy dashboard files removed, notebooks guide added

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