
Latest version: v0.3.1

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* Fourth version of this Python project, containing (added to this version):

- Gating function for ECG removal,
- Improve ICA for heart lead detection,
- Power spectrum function in helper_functions,
- Converter function for Biopac acquired data in converter_functions,
- High envelope function hi_envelope in helper_functions,
- Working pipeline improved (working_pipeline_pre_ml) in helper_functions,
- Slices_jump_slider function produces continous sequential slices over an
array of a certain legnth spaced out by a 'jump' in helper_functions.



* First version of this Python project to follow the Netherlands eScience Center software development guide, containing (added to this version):

- Code style checking,
- Editorconfig,
- Code of Conduct,
- Contributing guidelines,
- Setup configuration,
- files for installation/building release (pypi, condabuild)

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