
Latest version: v4.16.0

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- ``*** Tasks ***`` will no longer be renamed to ``*** Test Cases ***`` by NormalizeSectionHeaderName ([279](


- Updated `NormalizeNewLines` to separate sections by two empty lines (instead of one). It's effort of normalizing
Robocop output (which suggest to use 2 empty lines) and Robotidy (which previously transformed with 1 empty line) ([536](


*** Settings ***
Force Tags tag

*** Test Cases ***
No Operation


*** Settings ***
Force Tags tag

*** Test Cases ***
No Operation

- Add missing packaging dependency ([275](


- New `ReplaceReturns` transformer that replaces return statements (such as `[Return]` setting or `Return From Keyword` keyword) with `RETURN` statement ([231](
- New `ReplaceBreakContinue` transformer that replaces `Continue For Loop` and `Exit For Loop` keyword variants with CONTINUE and BREAK statements ([241](
- New `InlineIf` transformer that replaces IF blocks with inline IF ([230](
- Add `min_width` parameter to `AlignSettingsSection` transformer. It allows to set minimal width of data column ([242](
- Add `min_width` parameter to `AlignVariablesSection` transformer. It allows to set minimal width of data column ([242](
- Add `min_width` parameter to `AlignTestCases` transformer. It allows to set minimal width of data column ([242](
- Changed behaviour of `DiscardEmptySections` transformer. Now by default section with only comments are not considered empty.
Configure `allow_only_comments` to `False` if you want to remove those sections ([235](
- Add `skip_types` parameter to `AlignVariablesSection` which allows to not align variables of particular type ([225](
- Library names are now ignored by default by `RenameKeywords` transformer. Previously, it could result in an unexpected behaviour ([269](
If you want to transform library names, pass `ignore_library=False` to the transformer.

- Change exceptions to be more user-friendly. Robotidy will try to recognize common mistakes. For unknown issues there is extra message with link to our bug board ([250](
- Refactored Robotidy acceptance tests ([248](
- It is now possible to force overwrite with ``--check`` and ``--overwrite`` flags ([239](
Going over possible options:

Transform the files and return 0 even if there were files transformed.
robotidy src

Don't transform the files and return 0 even if there would be files transformed
robotidy --no-overwrite src

Don't transform the files and return 1 if there would be files transformed
robotidy --check src

Transform the files and return 1 if there are files transformed
robotidy --check --overwrite src

- Unmodified files are now not saved to the disk ([237](


- `AddMissingEnd` transformer now properly handles IFs without indented block of code ([226](
- Paths passed from command line are now checked against excluded paths (previously it was only checked when iterating over directories) ([227](


- Trailing whitespace is no longer added to blank lines in multiline statements when using align transformers ([219](
- `*** Tasks ***` is no longer converted to `*** Test Cases ***` by NormalizeSectionHeaderName ([218](


- New non default transformer `RenameTestCases`. It capitalizes first letter of the test case name, removes trailing dot and can replace provided regex pattern with substitute string ([183](
- New non default transformer `RenameKeywords`. It applies Title Case to keyword name and replace underscores by spaces and can replace provided regex pattern with substitute string ([183](
- Added `AlignTestCases` transformer for aligning templated test cases in column. Because it's in experimental mode it will be non default for now (see docs for information how to run it) ([185](
- Missing ENDs in for loop and if statements will be added by new `AddMissingEnd` transformer ([91](
- `NormalizeAssignments` now recognizes assignments from ``*** Variables ***`` section separately. It allows you to configure different assignment sign type for keyword calls and for variables section ([159](

With this change following command will change all assignments signs to `=` for keyword calls and remove them in ``*** Variables ***`` sections.

robotidy -c NormalizeAssignments:equal_sign_type=equal_sign -c NormalizeAssignments:equal_sign_type_variables=remove <src>

- New `OrderTags` (non default) transformer. It orders tags in lexicographic order ([205](
- New `NormalizeTags` (non default) transformer. It normalizes tag name case and removes duplicates ([212](

- It is now possible to provide source paths in configuration file ([154](
- Non default transformers can be enabled using ``enabled=True`` parameter ([182](
- Semicolon in parameter value can now be escaped with `\:` ([190](
- Default separator can be changed from space to tabular with new ``--separator`` option ([184](
- ``--lineseparator`` option now accepts `auto` value for preserving line endings found in the file ([209](

- Robotidy will not print "Loaded configuration from ... " if the configuration is empty ([193](
- no source path provided error now exits with code 1 instead of 0 ([208](

- ReplaceRunKeywordIf now removes ELSE branch if it is unnecessary ([192](

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