
Latest version: v4.13.0

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- Robotidy will now not crash on directory path [177](


- Ignore paths from .gitignore and ``--exclude`` option, allow to ignore paths through using ``--extend-exclude`` [110](
- Add extra indent for arguments in Suite Setup/Teardown, Test Setup/Teardown in AlignSettingsSection [155](
- OrderSettingsSection will now preserve order of imports. It can be configured to work as before and other settings order can be also preserved [167](
- When ordering imports with OrderSettingsSection, Remote library will not be grouped with other standard libs [175](
- Allow to disable selected transformers [170](

- Do not count documentation length when aligning all columns in settings section [156](
- Acknowledge ``--lineseparator`` option [163](
- Do not print empty line for file without changes with ``--diff`` option [160](


- Allow to use spaces in pyproject.toml configuration file [148](

- Invalid option names in pyproject.toml file will now stop Robotidy (with optional hint message) [150](

- Fixed spelling issues in source code and docs [146](


- ``AssignmentNormalizer`` was renamed to ``NormalizeAssignment`` for consistent naming with other transformers [115](
- It is now possible to select what sections are normalized in ``NormalizeSeparators`` transformer with ``sections`` param [116](
- ``OrderSettings`` now puts settings before comments and empty lines at the end of keyword/test case body [118](, [#125](

- New option ``--output`` option for saving transformed file to provided path instead of overwriting source file [108](
- ``--desc`` now accepts ``all`` for printing out description of all transformers [105](
- Robotidy will now suggest similar names for invalid transformer names used with ``--transform`` or ``--desc`` options [107](
- ``--list`` now prints transformers in alphabetical order [141](

- Renamed short version of ``--lineseparator`` to ``-ls`` to avoid collision with ``--list\-l``
- Description for disabled transformers can be now displayed & disabled transformers are in ``--list`` output [114](
- Robotidy should now correctly load configuration files from path when using ``--config`` [138](
- ReplaceRunKeywordIf will now set variable values to `None` if there is no ELSE branch [140](
- Transformers should always use the same order. If you need to use custom order, provide --force-order flag [142](

- Removed ``'--describe-transformer`` and ``--list-transformers`` aliases for ``--list`` and ``--desc``
- Added ``-h`` alias for ``--help`` command
- Warn user instead of doing nothing when invoking robotidy without any arguments [106](



- AlignVariablesSection now supports ``--startline`` and ``--endline`` options for aligning only part of ``*** Variables ***`` section [62](
- AlignVariablesSection now supports ``up_to_column`` parameter so it is possible to chose how much column are width aligned
- AlignVariablesSection and AlignSettingsSection change ``up_to_column`` default value from 0 (meaning all columns) to 2 (only first two columns are width aligned, rest use fixed length)
- New AlignSettingsSection for aligning ``*** Settings ***`` section into columns [60](
- New NormalizeSeparators for normalizing all separators and indents to fixed length (according to global ``--spacecount`` option) [32](
- New RemoveEmptySettings transformer for removing empty settings such like `Suite Setup` or `[Arguments]`. Settings that are overwriting suite settings (like empty `[Tags]` overwriting `Default Tags`) are preserved. See the docs for config options [78](
- New SmartSortKeywords transformer (disabled by default) for sorting out keywords inside ``*** Keywords ***`` section [52](
- New MergeAndOrderSections transformer for merging duplicated sections and ordering them (order is configurable) [70](
- New OrderSettings transformer for ordering settings like [Arguments], [Setup], [Return] inside Keywords and Test Cases [59](
- New OrderSettingsSection transformer for ordering settings, imports inside ``*** Settings ****`` section [100](

- New option ``--configure`` or ``-c`` for configuring transformer parameters. It works the same way configuring through ``--transform`` works. The benefit of using ``--configure`` is that you can configure selected transformers and still run all transformers [96](
- Transformers can now be disabled by default if you add ``ENABLED = False`` class attribute to your class. Those transformers will be only run when selected explicitly with ``--transform`` option [10](
- Support for ``pyproject.toml`` configuration files. Because of the required changes there are backward incompatible changes done to ``robotidy.toml`` syntax. See example from [README]( [66](
- ``--list-transformers`` output is now ordered. Also transformers themselves will always run in the same predefined order [69](
- ``--describe-transformer`` output is now pre-formatted (removed rst formatting) [83](
- Several options have now abbreviations: [92](
- ``--transform`` can be also used with ``-t``
- ``--list-transformers`` can be also used with ``--list`` or ``-l``
- ``--describe-transformer`` can be also used with ``--desc`` or ``-d``

- SplitTooLongLine will now parse multiple assignment values correctly [68](
- AlignSettingsSection is now parsing empty lines in multi lines correctly (those lines are removed) [75](
- Fix ``--diff`` option not displaying colours on Windows [86](
- Fix issue where variable was not left aligned if name was prefixed with space (`` {variable} 4``) [88](

- Support for pipes is now removed. All pipes will be converted to spaces by NormalizeSeparators transformer. It can be restored if people that use pipe syntax request for it
- Files with invalid encoding will now not stop robotidy execution - warning will be printed instead



- AlignVariablesSection should ignore lines with only comments

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