
Latest version: v4.13.0

Safety actively analyzes 642283 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Added alignVariablesSection for aligning variables and their values in column like appearance [50](


- Robotidy should not add new (extra) line at the end of file [47](
- BuiltIn.Run Keyword If should now work with ReplaceRunKeywordIf transformer [53](



- DiscardEmptySections - empty sections are removed
- SplitTooLongLine - keywords with too long lines are split
- NormalizeSettingName - ensure that setting names are Title Case - Test Template, Library
- AssignmentNormalizer - use only one type of assignment
- NormalizeNewLines - ensure proper number of empty lines between keywords, test cases and sections
- NormalizeSectionHeaderName - ensure that sections are in ``*** Section ***`` or ``*** SECTION ***`` format
- ReplaceRunKeywordIf - replace RunKeywordIf with IF blocks


- configurable transformers
- selectable transformers (chose how you want to transform your code)
- robotidy configuration can be supplied from cli and config file (which can be pointed to or autodetected in directory if the name is 'robotidy.toml'
- option ``--no-overview`` to disable writing to files
- option ``--diff`` to display file diff with the changes done by robotidy
- option ``--check`` to return status depending on if any file was modified by robotidy
- options ``--spacecount`` and ``--lineseparator`` for defining global formatting rules
- ``--startline`` and ``--endline`` arguments for narrowing down what robotidy is supposed to transform in file
- --list-transformers and ``--describe-transformer`` for displaying information about existing transformers

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