
Latest version: v6.0.4

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- The `` filter.

- The Framework now corresponds to Telegram Bot API 6.7.
- The Framework now corresponds to Telegram Bot API 6.8.
- The Framework now corresponds to Telegram Bot API 6.9.
- The Framework now corresponds to Telegram Bot API 7.0.
- The Framework now corresponds to Telegram Bot API 7.1.
- The parameter `executor` is now optional for `init`, `shutdown` and `process` methods of `Bot` class.
- Tz-aware datetime objects are now used instead of raw datetime objects.
- Dropped support for Python 3.7.
- The new entity parser.

- The `commonfilters.callback` filter for case where `game` event has arrived.
- Passing update types to `UpdatesExecutor`.

- All lists in api classes will be replaced with tuples in the next major version.


- default parameters in `AnswerPreCheckoutQuery`.
- default parameters in `AnswerShippingQuery`.
- default parameters in `DeleteMyCommands`.
- default parameters in `GetChatMenuButton`.
- default parameters in `GetMyCommands`.
- default parameters in `SetChatDescription`.
- default parameters in `SetMyDescription`.
- default parameters in `UnbanChatMember`.


- the field `is_forum` to the class `Chat`.
- the fields `is_topic_message` and `message_thread_id` to the class `Message`.
- the fields `forum_topic_created`, `forum_topic_closed` and `forum_topic_reopened` to the class `Message`.
- the classes `ForumTopicCreated`, `ForumTopicClosed`, and `ForumTopicReopened`.
- the field `can_manage_topics` to the classes `ChatAdministratorRights`, `ChatPermissions` and `ChatMember`.
- the parameter `can_manage_topics` to the method `promoteChatMember`.
- the `ForumTopic` class.
- the request classes `CreateForumTopic`, `EditForumTopic`, `CloseForumTopic`, `ReopenForumTopic`, `DeleteForumTopic`, `UnpinAllForumTopicMessages`, and `GetForumTopicIconStickers` for forum topic management.
- the parameter `message_thread_id` to the request classes `SendMessage`, `SendPhoto`, `SendVideo`, `SendAnimation`, `SendAudio`, `SendDocument`, `SendSticker`, `SendVideoNote`, `SendVoice`, `SendLocation`, `SendVenue`, `SendContact`, `SendPoll`, `SendDice`, `SendInvoice`, `SendGame`, `SendMediaGroup`, `CopyMessage`, `ForwardMessage`.
- support for Multiple Usernames via the field `active_usernames` in the class `Chat`.
- the field `emoji_status_custom_emoji_id` to the class `Chat`.
- the field `is_persistent` to the class `ReplyKeyboardMarkup` and persistent parameter to the `ReplyKeyboard` helper class, allowing to control when the keyboard is shown.
- the parameter `has_spoiler` to the request classes `SendPhoto`, `SendVideo`, and `SendAnimation`.
- the field `has_spoiler` to the classes `InputMediaPhoto`, `InputMediaVideo`, and `InputMediaAnimation`.
- the field `has_media_spoiler` to the class `Message`.
- the classes `ForumTopicEdited`, `GeneralForumTopicHidden`, `GeneralForumTopicUnhidden`, and `WriteAccessAllowed` and the fields `forum_topic_edited`, `general_forum_topic_hidden`, `general_forum_topic_unhidden`, and `write_access_allowed` to the class Message.
- the methods `EditGeneralForumTopic`, `CloseGeneralForumTopic`, `ReopenGeneralForumTopic`, `HideGeneralForumTopic`, `UnhideGeneralForumTopic` for managing the General topic in forums.
- the parameter `message_thread_id` to the method `SendChatAction` for sending chat actions to a specific message thread or a forum topic.
- the field `has_hidden_members` and `has_aggressive_anti_spam_enabled` to the class `Chat`.
- the class `KeyboardButtonRequestUser` and the field `request_user` to the class `KeyboardButton`.
- the class `KeyboardButtonRequestChat` and the field `request_chat` to the class `KeyboardButton`.
- the classes `UserShared`, `ChatShared` and the fields `user_shared`, and `chat_shared` to the class `Message`.
- the parameter `use_independent_chat_permissions` to the request classes `RestrictChatMember` and `SetChatPermissions`.
- the field `user_chat_id` to the class `ChatJoinRequest`.
- the request classes `setMyDescription`, `getMyDescription`, `setMyShortDescription` and `getMyShortDescription`.
- the classes `BotDescription` and `BotShortDescription`.
- the parameter `emoji` to the method `SendSticker` to specify an emoji for just uploaded stickers.
- the parameter `needs_repainting` to the method `CreateNewStickerSet` to automatically change the color of emoji based on context.
- the field `needs_repainting` to the class `Sticker`.
- the request class `SetCustomEmojiStickerSetThumbnail` for editing the thumbnail of custom emoji sticker sets created by the bot.
- the request class `SetStickerSetTitle` for editing the title of sticker sets created by the bot.
- the request class `DeleteStickerSet` for complete deletion of a given sticker set that was created by the bot.
- the request class `SetStickerEmojiList` for changing the list of emoji associated with a sticker.
- the request class `SetStickerKeywords` for changing the search keywords assigned to a sticker.
- the request class `SetStickerMaskPosition` for changing the mask position of a mask sticker.
- the request class `SetStickerMaskPosition` for changing the mask position of a mask sticker.

- Framework is now corresponds to Telegram Bot API 6.3.
- Framework is now corresponds to Telegram Bot API 6.4.
- Framework is now corresponds to Telegram Bot API 6.5.
- Replaced the fields `can_send_media_messages` in the classes `ChatMember` and `ChatPermissions` with separate fields `can_send_audios`, `can_send_documents`, `can_send_photos`, `can_send_videos`, `can_send_video_notes`, and `can_send_voice_notes` for different media types.
- Replaced the parameters `png_sticker`, `tgs_sticker`, `webm_sticker`, `emojis` and `mask_position` in the request class `CreateNewStickerSet` with the parameters `stickers` and `sticker_format`.
- Replaced the parameters `png_sticker`, `tgs_sticker`, `webm_sticker`, `emojis` and `mask_position` in the request class `AddStickerToSet` with the parameter sticker of the type `InputSticker`.
- Replaced the parameter `png_sticker` in the request class `UploadStickerFile` with the parameters `sticker` and `sticker_format`.
- Renamed the field `thumb` in the classes `Animation`, `Audio`, `Document`, `Sticker`, `Video`, `VideoNote`, `InputMediaAnimation`, `InputMediaAudio`, `InputMediaDocument`, `InputMediaVideo`, `StickerSet` to `thumbnail`.
- Renamed the parameter `thumb` in the request classes `SendAnimation`, `SendAudio`, `SendDocument`, `SendVideo`, `SendVideoNote` to `thumbnail`.
- Renamed the request class `SetStickerSetThumb` to `SetStickerSetThumbnail` and its parameter `thumb` to `thumbnail`.
- Renamed the fields `thumb_url`, `thumb_width`, and `thumb_height` in the classes `InlineQueryResultArticle`, `InlineQueryResultContact`, `InlineQueryResultDocument`, `InlineQueryResultLocation`, and `InlineQueryResultVenue` to `thumbnail_url`, `thumbnail_width`, and `thumbnail_height` respectively.
- Renamed the field `thumb_url` in the classes `InlineQueryResultPhoto` and `InlineQueryResultVideo` to `thumbnail_url`.
- Renamed the fields `thumb_url` and `thumb_mime_type` in the classes `InlineQueryResultGif`, and `InlineQueryResultMpeg4Gif` to `thumbnail_url` and `thumbnail_mime_type` respectively.
- Framework is now corresponds to Telegram Bot API 6.6.
- `Executor` are now available in `init` and `shutdown` events through `context`.

- `WebhookInfo` parsing issue.
- Crush on shutdown.

- `can_send_media_messages` from classes `ChatMember` and `ChatPermissions`.
- `contains_masks` from the class `StickerSet`.


- Removed redundant Timeout exception.


- The `EntityType.custom_emoji` entity type.
- The field custom_emoji_id to the class MessageEntity.
- The field `has_restricted_voice_and_video_messages` to the class `Chat`.
- The `StickerType` enum.
- The `GetCustomEmojiStickers` request class.
- The field `custom_emoji_id` to the class `Sticker`.
- The field `sticker_type` to `StickerSet` and `CreateNewStickerSet` classes.

- Framework is now corresponds to Telegram Bot API 6.2.

- `StickerSet.contains_masks` is deprecated and will be removed in version 5.
- `CreateNewStickerSet.contains_masks` is deprecated and will be removed in version 5.


- The `Sticker` class.

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