- `orjson` support version `3.6.8` and above.
- Adapter classes to be able to explicitly select a json parser.
- The fields `join_to_send_messages` and `join_by_request` to the class `Chat`.
- The `CreateInvoiceLink` request class.
- The field `is_premium` to the class `User`.
- The field `premium_animation` to the class `Sticker`.
- The field `added_to_attachment_menu` to the class `User`.
- The field `secret_token` to the class `SetWebhook`.
- The `secret_token` parameter to `__init__`, `add_bot` and `run` functions in `WebhookExecutor` executor class.
- The `secret_token` parameter to the `run` function in `AioHttpExecutor` executor class.
- The minimum required version of `aiohttp` is now `3.8.1`.
- The minimum required version of `ujson` is now `5.2.0`.
- Framework is now corresponds to Telegram Bot API 6.1.
- The `SendInvoice` request class.
- Tornado support: `TornadoExecutor` and `TornadoConnector` classes.
- `VoiceChatStarted` class.
- `VoiceChatScheduled` class.
- `VoiceChatParticipantsInvited` class.
- `VoiceChatEnded` class.
- `user_id` field from `User` class.
- `update_type` field from `Update` class.
- `query_id` field from `ShippingQuery` class.
- `send2` method from `Request` and child classes.
- `can_manage_voice_chats` field from `PromoteChatMember` class.
- `query_id` field from `PreCheckoutQuery` class.
- `pool_id` and `poll_type` fields from `Poll` class.
- `entity_type` field from `MessageEntity` class.
- `voice_chat_scheduled`, `voice_chat_started`, `voice_chat_ended`, `voice_chat_participants_invited` and `message_type` fields from `Message` class.
- `query_id` field from `InlineQuery` class.
- `encrypted_passport_element_type` field from `EncryptedPassportElement` class.
- `can_manage_voice_chats` field from `ChatMember` class.
- `chat_id` and `chat_type` fields from `Chat` class.
- `query_id` field from `CallbackQuery` class.
- `voice_chat_scheduled`, `voice_chat_started`, `voice_chat_ended` and `voice_chat_participants_invited` variants from `MessageType` enum class.
- `GetChatMembersCount` class.
- `KickChatMember` class.