- `via_bot` field to `Message` class.
- `ThumbMimeType` class.
- `thumb_mime_type` field to `InlineQueryResultGif` and `InlineQueryResultMpeg4Gif` classes.
- `DiceType` class.
- `MessageId` class.
- `CopyMessage` request class.
- `caption_entities` or `entites` fields to many api classes.
- `google_place_id` and `google_place_type` fields to `Venue`, `InlineQueryResultVenue`, `InputVenueMessageContent`, `SendVenue` classes.
- `allow_sending_without_reply` field to many api classes.
- `sender_chat` field to `Message` class.
- `is_anonymous` field to `ChatMember` and `PromoteChatMember` classes.
- `live_period` field to `Location` class.
- `heading`, `proximity_alert_radius` and `horizontal_accuracy` fields to `Location`, `InlineQueryResultLocation`, `InputLocationMessageContent`, `SendLocation` and `EditMessageLiveLocation` classes.
- `ProximityAlertTriggered` class.
- `proximity_alert_triggered` field to `Message` class.
- `proximity_alert_triggered` type to `MessageType` class.
- `message_id` field to `UnpinChatMessage` request class.
- `UnpinAllChatMessages` request class.
- `file_name` field to `Audio` and `Video` classes.
- `disable_content_type_detection` field to `SendDocument` and `InputMediaDocument` classes.
- `only_if_banned` field to `UnbanChatMember` request class.
- `ChatLocation` class.
- `bio`, `linked_chat_id` and `location` fields to `Chat` class.
- `ip_address` field to `SetWebhook` and `WebhookInfo` classes.
- `drop_pending_updates` field to `SetWebhook` and `DeleteWebhook` classes.
- `LogOut` request class.
- `Close` request class.
- `my_chat_member` and `chat_member` to `UpdateType`.
- `ChatInviteLink` class.
- `ChatMemberUpdated` class.
- `my_chat_member`, `chat_member` and `unknown` fields to `Update` class.
- `CreateChatInviteLink` request class.
- `EditChatInviteLink` request class.
- `RevokeChatInviteLink` request class.
- `VoiceChatStarted` class.
- `VoiceChatEnded` class.
- `VoiceChatParticipantsInvited` class.
- `voice_chat_started`, `voice_chat_ended` and `voice_chat_participants_invited` fields to `Message` class.
- `can_manage_voice_chats` field to `ChatMember` class.
- `can_manage_voice_chats` field to `PromoteChatMember` request class.
- `MessageType.unknown` that will indicate unknown new type of message.
- `MessageAutoDeleteTimerChanged` class.
- `message_auto_delete_timer_changed` field to `Message` class.
- `message_auto_delete_timer_changed`, `voice_chat_started`, `voice_chat_ended` and `voice_chat_participants_invited` message types.
- `revoke_messages` field to `KickChatMember` request class.
- `can_manage_chat` field to `ChatMember` and `PromoteChatMember` classes.
- `context.chat_member` context helper field.
- `SendDice` and `Dice` classes now using `DiceType`.
- `Request.send()` method implementation was replaced. Now it returns `result` directly.
- `webhook` parameter in executors is replaced with `set_webhook` or `delete_webhook`.
- `drop_updates` parameter executors is replaced with `drop_pending_updates`.
- Updates now dropping through setting corresponding parameter instead of getUpdates hack.
- Framework now corresponds to Telegram Bot API 4.9.
- Framework now corresponds to Telegram Bot API 5.0.
- Framework now corresponds to Telegram Bot API 5.1.
- Assert in Update parser. Now unknown update types will be `UpdateType.unknown`.
- `context2`
- `Response.method`
- `BaseDispatcherProxy`
- `BaseDispatcher.from_proxy`
- `Request.send2()` method is deprecated and will be removed in version 4.0. Use `Request.send()` instead.