
Latest version: v0.20.0

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Separated TVAC and FPS into their own makers to freeze from from main development. [347]

- Added statistics blocks to the TVAC and FS models. [351]

- Fix bug that prevented proper handling of ``np.NDArray``\s. [350]



- Adds test to ensure that the base ``common`` keyword groups exist within the ```` tree. [338]

- Replaced the previous test for ``schema_info`` with something more robust. [344]

- Add conversion of dict to string during Qtable construction [348]

- Do not include QTables in individual image metadata [349]



- Remove the ``psutil`` dependency. [320]

- Move ``dqflags`` from ``romancal`` to ``roman_datamodels``. [293]

- Added documentation for ``stnode``. [316]

- Add support for ``FPS`` and ``TVAC`` models. [309]

- Make datamodels follow the same subscription pattern as the ``stnode`` based
objects. [322]

- Changed image units from e/s to DN/s (and added support for MJy/sr). [327]

- Add attributes under the ``basic`` schema to ``WfiMosaic.meta``. [328]

- Split cal_step into L2 and L3 versions. [334]

- Add Members Keyword to Resample datamodel maker utility. [333]

- Add initialization for the flux step meta. [332]

- Create ``outlier_detection`` schema and add bit mask field to both it and ``resample``. [336]

- Add models for Level 2 and Level 3 source catalog and segmentation map. [331]



- Allow assignment to or creation of node attributes using dot notation of object instances
with validation. [284]

- Bugfix for ``model.meta.filename`` not matching the filename of the file on disk. [295]

- Bugfix for ``meta.model_type`` not being set to match the model writing the file. [296]

- Add ``meta.wcs`` to ``maker_utils``. [302]

- Remove duplicate validation during ``DataModel.to_asdf``, replace assumed validation
during ``AsdfFile.__init__`` with call to ``AsdfFile.validate`` [301]



- Allow DNode and LNode subclass instances to be assigned to tree attributes and support
validation of all such instances. [275]

- Update minimum version of astropy to 5.3.0 in order to fix a bug due to a breaking
change in astropy. [258]

- Update minimum version of numpy to 1.22 as this is the oldest version of numpy
which is currently supported. [258]

- Fix the initialization of empty DataModels and clean up the datamodel core. [251]

- Add slope and error to dark RefModel and tests. [280]

- Added truncation to exposure. [283]

- Added optional dq array to science raw maker utility and test. [282]

- Updated the WFI_Mosaic datamodel, maker utilities, and tests to a more streamlined metadata design for level 3 products. [288]

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