
Latest version: v0.20.0

Safety actively analyzes 642283 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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- Move metadata to ``pyproject.toml`` in accordance with PEP621 [100]
- Cleanup ``enum`` validation code. [112]
- Add ``pre-commit`` support. [119]
- Apply ``isort`` and ``black`` code formatters to all files. [120]
- Switch from ``flake8`` to ``ruff`` for code linting. [121]
- Start using ``codespell`` for automated spell checking. [122]



- Explicitly add ``gwcs`` to the list of dependencies. [108]
- Remove the unused ``stnode_test`` module. [110]
- Add support for non-VOUnits to be used by Roman. [109]
- Changed science arrays to quantities. [111]



- pin ``asdf`` above ``2.12.1`` to fix issue with `jsonschema` release [91]
- Add ability to access information stored in ``rad`` schemas relative to the information stored in the datamodel. [93]
- Add ``IPAC/SSC`` as valid ``origin`` values. [95]



- Removed CRDS version information from basic maker utility. [80]

- Updated utilities and test for change in dimensionality of err variable in ramp datamodel. [82]

- Add support for new ``rad`` schema tags. [86, 90]

- Removed keywords from guidestar. [88]

- Fixed format of exposure times factory functions, changed filter 'W146' to 'F146'. [87]

- Update create_ref_file() to match updated schema. [89]



- Added function for model equality. [79]


- Removed ```` and ``observation.time`` from CRDS parameters. [78]

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