
Latest version: v0.20.0

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- Fix newly required units from rand [256]



- Add checks for for association processing [241]

- Make a shallow copy when opening an existing datamodel, rather than
a full copy. [232]

- Remove the ``random_utils`` module and make ``maker_utils`` entirely deterministic. [217]

- Add tests to ensure consistency between file-level schemas in RAD and the corresponding
datamodels in ``roman_datamodels``. [214]

- Make ``maker_utils`` return the node when writing the node to a file. [218]

- Clean up overlooked randomness in ``maker_utils`` and tests. [236]

- Remove the unused ``target`` keyword from ``rdm_open`` and fix the original issue that the
keyword was meant to address; namely, passing a datamodel instance to the constructor for
that datamodel instance should return the instance back with no modifications. [235]

- Use ValidationError from asdf.exceptions instead of jsonschema. Increase minimum
asdf version to 2.15.0. [234]

- Update ``maker_utils`` to support the new ``cal_step`` keys. [228, 243]

- Clean up the ``rdm_open`` function. [233]

- Include tests in coverage and turn testing warnings into errors. [238]

- Add ``__repr__`` to ``DNode``. [245]

- Further adjustments to support CRDS for the ``inverselinearity`` reference file. [248]



A minor release to set the minimum version of RAD to 0.16.0.



- Remove ``ModelContainer`` from ``roman_datamodels.datamodels``. [204]

- Update the ``reftype`` for ``InverseLinearityRev``. [195]

- Bugfix for initializing ``Datamodel`` objects from the incorrect ``stnode`` classes. [200]

- Refactor the ``maker_utils`` to be easier to maintain and test. [193]

- Remove the ``STUserDict`` class and fix bugs in ``stnode`` related to ``copy``. [191]

- Add constructor for ``RampModel`` from the ``ScienceRawModel``. [202]

- Add ``maker_utils`` for all the datamodels. [198]

- Update ``roman_datamodels`` to support the new reference file for the
reference pixel correction. [190]

- Update ``DataModel.schema_uri`` to use non-deprecated
``TagDefinition.schema_uris`` from asdf [209]

- Remove the ``util`` and ``mktest`` modules. [212]

- Refactor the ``maker_utils`` API so that it is uniform across all tests. [207]

- Remove the ``testing.factories`` module. [197]

- Refactor ``datamodels`` to be easier to maintain and test by turning it into
a sub-package and splitting the module apart. [201]

- Remove the ``filetype`` module. [219]

- Update ``roman_datamodels`` to support the new ``msos_stack-1.0.0`` schema. [206]

- Refactor ``stnode`` to be easier to maintain and test by turning it into a
sub-package and splitting the module apart. [213]

- Remove the unused project deployment scripts and actions. [222]

- Refactor the ASDF extension to be entirely part of the stnode sub-package. [220]



- Updates the maker utilities for guide windows to include gw_science_file_source [179]

- Remove use of deprecated ``pytest-openfiles`` ``pytest`` plugin. This has been replaced by
catching ``ResourceWarning`` s. [142]

- Add support for read pattern in data model makers and factories. [154]

- Remove ``source_type_apt`` from ``target-1.0.0`` related datamodels. [152]

- Enable seeding for ``random_utils`` functions. [148]

- Add Changelog checking CI. [161]

- Add Pull Request Template. [147]

- Add Level 3 MosaicModel and Resample stnodes, maker utils, factories, and tests. [163]

- Renamed n_ints to n_groups. Did some shape variable cleanup. [165]

- Bugfix for the ``amp33`` shape in ``mk_ramp``. [166]

- Remove the deprecated ``roman_datamodels.units`` module. [172]

- Bugfix for ``photmjsr`` not being able to be set or validated properly. [170]

- Add ability to turn off data validation via an environment variable. [173]
- Add support for model containers constructed from ``Iterable`` [164]

- drop support for Python 3.8 [155]



- Added support for Inverse Nonlinearity data model, maker utilities, and tests. [125]

- Moved datamodel maker utilities and split random functions out to utility file. [128]

- Begin process of removing ``roman_datamodels.units`` for non-VOUnit support in favor
of non-VOUnit support coming directly via ``asdf-astropy``. [131]

- Suppress erfa warnings for randomly generated future times [138]

- update minimum version of ``numpy`` to ``1.20`` and add minimum dependency testing to CI [114]

- Use available tag schema if available during datamodels.validate [140]

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