
Latest version: v1.13.0

Safety actively analyzes 642283 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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New features & Enhancements

- 559, 560 Improve handling of whitespace in import and from-import statements (lieryan)
- 566, 567, 597 Fix variables in kwonlyargs and posonlyargs not being correctly passed to extracted methods (lieryan)

Unit Test

- 589, 596 Fix issue with `sample_project()` creating directories where it shouldn't when running tests (lieryan)
- 547 Add config file for linters
- 593 Remove `only_for` decorator for all python versions less than 3.7 (edreamleo)

Tech Debt

- Code quality
- 546 Remove unused vars in test (lieryan, edreamleo)
- 551, 552 Numerous flake8 linter complaints (edreamleo)
- 558 Fix typos (kianmeng)
- 583, 584 More consistent import style (edreamleo)
- Python 2-related tech debt
- 533 Refactoring to Remove usage of unicode type (lieryan)
- 549, 553 Remove rope.base.utils.pycompat (dreamleo)
- 555 Fix some python2-isms (lieryan)
- Rope's AST Wrapper
- 536, 578 walk does not return a value (edreamleo)
- 537, 538 Remove special case code from walk (edreamleo)
- 581 Remove functions in rope.base.ast that has functionally identical implementation in stdlib's ast (lieryan, edreamleo)
- 582 Refactoring rope.base.ast and remove rope.base.astutils (lieryan, edreamleo)
- pynames and pyobjects
- 569, 572 rename pynames to pynamesdef in (edreamleo)


- 531 Add alternative way to retrieve version number from pyproject.toml


Date: 2022-11-23

- 492 Feat: Global configuration support (bagel897)
- 519 Move pytest to pyproject.toml (gliptak, bagel897)
- 509 Fix read/write analysis of the left-hand side of an augmented assignment (lieryan)
- 522 Implement patchedast parsing of MatchMapping (lieryan)
- 514 Fix inlining dictionary with inline comment (lieryan)


Date: 2022-10-22

Bug fixes

- 506, 507 Fix issue with parsing function call args list
- 411, 505 Fix extracting generator without parens
- 18, 510 When the function is a builtin function, the call parameter's name was sometimes incorrectly identified as an AssignedName. This led to rename refactoring incorrectly renaming these parameters.


Date: 2022-07-29

Bug fixes

- 496, 497 Add MatMul operator to patchedast
- 495 Fix autoimport collection for compiled modules


- 501, 502 Autoimport improvements


Date: 2022-04-22

New feature

- 473 Pyproject.toml support (bageljrkhanofemus)
- 489 Rope now publishes documentations to (bageljrkhanofemus)
- 490 Migrate from to pyproject.toml (bageljrkhanofemus)


- 479 Add ABC and type hints for TaskHandle and JobSet (bageljrkhanofemus)
- 486 Drop Python 2 support (bageljrkhanofemus, lieryan)
- 487 Improved value inference of __all__ declaration (lieryan)
- 424 Add some basic __repr__ to make it easier for debugging (lieryan)

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