
Latest version: v1.13.0

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Date: 2021-10-18

Syntax support

- 392, 316 Handle `global` keyword when extracting method (climbus)
- context manager:
- 387, 433 Implement extract refactoring for code containing `async with` (lieryan)
- 398, 104 Fix parsing of nested `with` statement/context manager (climbus)
- list/set/dict/generator comprehension scope issues:
- 422 Added scopes for comprehension expressions as part of 293 (climbus)
- 426, 429 Added support for checking scopes by offset as part of 293 (climbus)
- 293, 430 Fix renaming global var affects list comprehension (climbus)
- 395, 315 Reuse of variable in comprehensions confuses method extraction (climbus)
- 436 Fix error `TypeError: 'PyDefinedObject' object is not subscriptable` (lieryan)
- f-string:
- 303, 420 Fix inlining into f-string containing quote characters (lieryan)
- inline assignment/walrus operator:
- 423 Fix `AttributeError: '_ExpressionVisitor' object has no attribute 'defineds'` (lieryan)

Bug fixes

- 391, 376 Fix improper replacement when extracting attribute access expression with `similar=True` (climbus)
- 396 Fix improper replacement when extracting index access expression with `similar=True` (lieryan)

New feature

- 434 Move read() to FileSystemCommands (lieryan)


- 410 Setup all-contributors bot (lieryan)
- 404 Blacken source code, rope now follows black code style (climbus)
- 399 Add Github Actions to enforce black code style (lieryan)
- 403 Remove plain 'unittest' only runner (lieryan)


Date: 2021-09-18

Bug fixes

- Fix caller of `_namedexpr_last()` throwing exception due to returning unexpected list
instead of boolean


Date: 2021-09-18

New feature

- 377 Added the ability to extract method to staticmethod/classmethod (climbus)
- 374 Changed Organize import to keep variables listed in `__all__`
- Change default .ropeproject/ to ignore code in folders named
.venv and venv (0x1e02)

Syntax support

- 372 Add extract method refactoring of code containing `exec` (ceridwen)
- 389 Add extract method refactoring of code containing `async def`, `async for`, and `await`
- 365, 386 Support extract method of expressions containing inline assignment (walrus operator)

Bug fixes

- 380 Fix list of variables that are returned and/or turned into argument when extracting method in a loop

Previous releases

[Changelog from pre-0.10.0](

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