
Latest version: v1.13.0

Safety actively analyzes 642283 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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Bug fixes

- 476 Fix rope.contrib.autoimport package missing from release (bageljrkhanofemus)


Date: 2022-05-25

New feature

- 464 Add new autoimport implementation that uses a sqllite3 database, cache all available modules quickly, search for names and produce import statements, sort import statements. (bageljrkhanofemus)

Bug fixes

- 419 Fix bug while moving decorated function (dryobates)
- 439 Fix bug while moving decorated class (dryobates)
- 461 Fix bug while extracting method with list comprehension in class method (dryobates)
- 440 Fix bug while inlining function with type hints in signature (dryobates)


- The pickle-based autoimport implementation is still the default, but will be deprecated sometime in the future.


Date: 2022-04-08

Syntax support

- 400 Drop Python 2.7 support

Bug fixes

- 459 Fix bug while extracting method with augmented assignment to subscript in try block (dryobates)


Syntax support

- 451, $456 Implement structural pattern matching (PEP634) (lieryan)
- 458 Improve the heuristic for joining lines when extracting one line
expression (lieryan)

Bug fixes

- 134, 453 Preserve newline format when writing files (lieryan)
- 457 Fix extract info collection for list comprehension with multiple targets


- 455 Fix typo (Jasha10)


Date: 2021-11-23

Syntax support

- 443 Implement `yield from` syntax support to

Bug fixes

- 445, 446 Improve empty tuple and handling of parentheses around tuple
- 270, 432 Fix rename import statement with dots and as keyword (climbus)


- 447 Add Python 3.10 to tests


Date: 2021-11-11

Bug fixes

- 441. Start publishing wheel packages to allow offline installs

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