
Latest version: v1.7.1

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* added CCXT-based abstract superclass for REST data loader plugins (80): this makes it much easier to add a new REST-based data loader
* added Bitbank REST input plugin and CSV supplemental input plugin
* added Coincheck CSV supplemental input plugin
* updated RP2 to 1.3.1
* updated documentation


* As of RP2 1.3.0, RP2 configuration files are no longer expressed in JSON format: they now use the INI format. So DaLI has been updated to generates INI-format configuration files instead of JSON. Any old JSON-format configuration file can be converted to the new INI format with the following command: rp2_config <json_config>
* added Pionex CSV data loader plugin


* added Binance.com REST data loader plugin
* added Binance.com supplemental (CSV) data loader plugin (for autoinvest purchases and ETH to BETH conversions)
* added CCXT-based pair converter
* updated documentation


* updated RP2 dependency to latest version, which fixes 2 bugs in HIFO. If you're using HIFO be sure to use RP2 1.10 or better.
* tweaked documentation


* add top-level multi-thread support: it's now possible to run data loader plugins in parallel, using the -t option (which selects the number of parallel threads)
* added Nexo CSV input plugin
* Coinbase REST input plugin: added support for Coinbase Earn Reversals (due to CC refunds, etc.)
* BlockFI CSV input plugin: added new transaction types
* revised and improved all documentation
* added FAQs


* added country plugin infrastructure (US is the default country plugin). Default fiat is no longer hardcoded to USD (it now comes from the country plugin)
* updated generators and rest of the code to use the native fiat from the country plugin (previously it was hard coded as USD)
* the dali script has been renamed to dali_us to support the new country plugin architecture
* added exchange hint to pair converter API
* added Ledger CSV data loader
* added credit card spend transactions to Coinbase plugin
* renamed cache folder from .cache to .dali_cache
* updated documentation to reflect latest changes
* small additions and fixes to documentation and code

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