
Latest version: v1.7.1

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* Added from/to_year command line option


* Minor fixes related to Pypi package distribution and upload


* Minor fixes related to Pypi package distribution and upload


* First version uploaded to Pypi
* Added pre-commit hooks
* Added bandit security checks
* Major revision of user and developer documentation
* Fixed lint errors
* Various bug fixes and improvements


* Add support for Spain (187)
* Added Kraken REST plugin (114)
* Kraken pair converter can now handle the new unified CSV format (223)
* Fixed pricing bug when using default exchange (207)
* Added access keys for Exchangerates.host (212)
* Added Binance dividends (188) and fiat data pull (186)
* Added progress bar when resolving transactions (153)
* misc bug fixes (146, 198, 207, etc.) and internal features (171, 196, 213, 215, etc.)


* new Dijkstra-based pair converter implementation (142)
* added Coinbase Pro-based CCXT pair converter (150)
* fixed a bug in cache setup of CCXT pair converters (149)
* fixed a bug in Bitbank fee-only transactions (155)
* fixed spreadsheet size, which was set to a large value regardless of how many rows it contained (147)
* added XYMUSDT alternative market to CCXT pair converter (158)
* various optimizations (151, 152))
* various documentation fixes (144, 148)

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