
Latest version: v1.7.1

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* added support for Japan
* temporarily disable LIFO and HIFO (see https://github.com/eprbell/rp2/issues/79)
* documentation improvements


* fixed 77: accounting engine AVLTree keys didn't normalize timezones, which caused a rare but obscure bug in certain cases
* added debug log for progress of tax engine during lot accounting. This should make it much easier to debug certain user data errors, such as "Total in-transaction crypto value < total taxable crypto value"
* fixed tax_report_us plugin bug: investment expenses sheet was resized only with number of move transactions (ignoring number of fee ones): this caused a row overflow when generating tax_report_us output under certain conditions
* minor documentation improvements


* configuration files are no longer expressed in JSON format: they now use the INI format. Old JSON-format configuration files can be converted automatically to the new INI format with the following command: rp2_config <json_config>


* added support for [switching accounting methods year over year](https://github.com/eprbell/rp2/tree/main/docs/user_faq.md#can-i-change-accounting-method)
* added support for simplified accounting method plugin creation. With this new infrastructure a new accounting method can be added by defining just two small methods. See [documentation](https://github.com/eprbell/rp2/blob/main/README.dev.md#simplified-procedure)
* updated documentation with new accounting method features


* fixed 2 bugs in HIFO plugin: see 74 for details. If you're using HIFO, be sure to upgrade to this or later version.
* refactored classic computer science data structures in separate Prezzemolo library
* added FAQs and tweaked documentation


* revised and improved all documentation
* added FAQs
* minor fixes

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