
Latest version: v0.12.2

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This release adds a pre-compiled Python package for Windows on PyPI!


This release fixes two issues mostly regarding Windows. :bug:
- Fixes an issue when building from the Python source package (40)
- Fixes the Python bindings using MSVC (37)


This release primarily improves the **numerical stability** of Ruckig. In particular, we added tests (and fixed several issues) for difficult cases by stepping through time-optimal trajectories.

:zap: Features
- Added optional phase synchronization for straight-line trajectories (13)

:bug: Bug Fixes
- Try to recalculate trajectory in the case of errors (20)
- Improved numeric stability for inputs with different order of magnitudes (27)
- Fixed a numeric bug for very small negative position differences (30)
- Fixes in the position extremum calculation (33)
- Fixes when calculating whether phase synchronization is possible (32)
- The Python wrapper for the `at_time` method now returns the new kinematic state (34)
- Fixed several compilation warnings and treat them as errors furthermore

:robot: Tests
- Add tests for stepping through calculated trajectories
- Add tests for directional dependent velocity and acceleration constraints
- Add tests for extremal position calculation


:snake: Python

- Ruckig now has a Python package at [PyPI](! It can be installed via `pip install ruckig`.


We made large steps towards a full-featured trajectory generator. This includes:

⚡ Features

- Added *velocity* Interface for velocity-control.
- Added setting for different time synchronization behaviors regarding multiple degrees of freedom.
- Added optional minimum acceleration limit, similar to the minimum velocity limit.
- Scaled tests to over trajectories (100x improvement).
- Improved performance and overtook Reflexxes Type IV in comparison.
- Lot's of supplements and fixes for the Readme.
- Moved tests to doctest for faster compilations.

🐛 Fixes

- Fixes real-time capability with own set container.
- Fixes behavior after finishing the trajectory.
- Now compiles without any warnings and errors on GCC and Clang.


First version with full support for target accelerations in multiple DoFs! 🎉

- Added min velocity limit.
- Added Doxygen-generated documentation and auto-publish via CI.
- More tests. Now over 1.400.000 random multi-dof trajectories.
- Added a benchmark for measuing the performance.
- Lot's of code cleaning and optimizations.
- Removed Eigen dependency.

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