* Beautiful ``requests.async`` module, for making async requests w/ gevent.
* GET/HEAD obeys allow_redirects=False.
* Enhanced status codes experience ``\o/`` * Set a maximum number of redirects (``settings.max_redirects``) * Full Unicode URL support * Support for protocol-less redirects. * Allow for arbitrary request types. * Bugfixes
* New callback hook system * New persistent sessions object and context manager * Transparent Dict-cookie handling * Status code reference object * Removed Response.cached * Added Response.request * All args are kwargs * Relative redirect support * HTTPError handling improvements * Improved https testing * Bugfixes
* International Domain Name Support! * Access headers without fetching entire body (``read()``) * Use lists as dicts for parameters * Add Forced Basic Authentication * Forced Basic is default authentication type * ``python-requests.org`` default User-Agent header * CaseInsensitiveDict lower-case caching * Response.history bugfix
* PATCH Support * Support for Proxies * HTTPBin Test Suite * Redirect Fixes * settings.verbose stream writing * Querystrings for all methods * URLErrors (Connection Refused, Timeout, Invalid URLs) are treated as explicitly raised ``r.requests.get('hwe://blah'); r.raise_for_status()``