
Latest version: v0.0.2

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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This is the first release that follows our new release process. For more, see
`our documentation


- Updated urllib3 to 1.10.4, resolving several bugs involving chunked transfer
encoding and response framing.




- Fix regression where compressed data that was sent as chunked data was not
properly decompressed. (2561)




- Remove VendorAlias import machinery introduced in v2.5.2.

- Simplify the PreparedRequest.prepare API: We no longer require the user to
pass an empty list to the hooks keyword argument. (c.f. 2552)

- Resolve redirects now receives and forwards all of the original arguments to
the adapter. (2503)

- Handle UnicodeDecodeErrors when trying to deal with a unicode URL that
cannot be encoded in ASCII. (2540)

- Populate the parsed path of the URI field when performing Digest
Authentication. (2426)

- Copy a PreparedRequest's CookieJar more reliably when it is not an instance
of RequestsCookieJar. (2527)




- CVE-2015-2296: Fix handling of cookies on redirect. Previously a cookie
without a host value set would use the hostname for the redirected URL
exposing requests users to session fixation attacks and potentially cookie
stealing. This was disclosed privately by Matthew Daley of
`BugFuzz <>`_. This affects all versions of requests from
v2.1.0 to v2.5.3 (inclusive on both ends).

- Fix error when requests is an ``install_requires`` dependency and ``python test`` is run. (2462)

- Fix error when urllib3 is unbundled and requests continues to use the
vendored import location.

- Include fixes to ``urllib3``'s header handling.

- Requests' handling of unvendored dependencies is now more restrictive.

**Features and Improvements**

- Support bytearrays when passed as parameters in the ``files`` argument.

- Avoid data duplication when creating a request with ``str``, ``bytes``, or
``bytearray`` input to the ``files`` argument.




- Revert changes to our vendored certificate bundle. For more context see
(2455, 2456, and



**Features and Improvements**

- Add sha256 fingerprint support. (`shazow/urllib3540`_)

- Improve the performance of headers. (`shazow/urllib3544`_)


- Copy pip's import machinery. When downstream redistributors remove
requests.packages.urllib3 the import machinery will continue to let those
same symbols work. Example usage in requests' documentation and 3rd-party
libraries relying on the vendored copies of urllib3 will work without having
to fallback to the system urllib3.

- Attempt to quote parts of the URL on redirect if unquoting and then quoting
fails. (2356)

- Fix filename type check for multipart form-data uploads. (2411)

- Properly handle the case where a server issuing digest authentication
challenges provides both auth and auth-int qop-values. (2408)

- Fix a socket leak. (`shazow/urllib3549`_)

- Fix multiple ``Set-Cookie`` headers properly. (`shazow/urllib3534`_)

- Disable the built-in hostname verification. (`shazow/urllib3526`_)

- Fix the behaviour of decoding an exhausted stream. (`shazow/urllib3535`_)


- Pulled in an updated ``cacert.pem``.

- Drop RC4 from the default cipher list. (`shazow/urllib3551`_)

.. _shazow/urllib3551:
.. _shazow/urllib3549:
.. _shazow/urllib3544:
.. _shazow/urllib3540:
.. _shazow/urllib3535:
.. _shazow/urllib3534:
.. _shazow/urllib3526:

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