
Latest version: v0.0.2

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- Simple packaging fix



- Simple packaging fix



- 301 and 302 redirects now change the verb to GET for all verbs, not just
POST, improving browser compatibility.
- Python 3.3.2 compatibility
- Always percent-encode location headers
- Fix connection adapter matching to be most-specific first
- new argument to the default connection adapter for passing a block argument
- prevent a KeyError when there's no link headers



- Fixed cookies on sessions and on requests
- Significantly change how hooks are dispatched - hooks now receive all the
arguments specified by the user when making a request so hooks can make a
secondary request with the same parameters. This is especially necessary for
authentication handler authors
- certifi support was removed
- Fixed bug where using OAuth 1 with body ``signature_type`` sent no data
- Major proxy work thanks to Lukasa including parsing of proxy authentication
from the proxy url
- Fix DigestAuth handling too many 401s
- Update vendored urllib3 to include SSL bug fixes
- Allow keyword arguments to be passed to ``json.loads()`` via the
``Response.json()`` method
- Don't send ``Content-Length`` header by default on ``GET`` or ``HEAD``
- Add ``elapsed`` attribute to ``Response`` objects to time how long a request
- Fix ``RequestsCookieJar``
- Sessions and Adapters are now picklable, i.e., can be used with the
multiprocessing library
- Update charade to version 1.0.3

The change in how hooks are dispatched will likely cause a great deal of



- Support for iterable response bodies
- Assume servers persist redirect params
- Allow explicit content types to be specified for file data
- Make merge_kwargs case-insensitive when looking up keys



- Fix file upload encoding bug
- Fix cookie behavior

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